14 ; a series of irrevocable events

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The day, despite being only half over, was starting to go downhill very quickly for one Lena Roth.

It didn't take long for another problem to weigh in on Scott and Lena. The former, being the one with the advanced superhuman hearing, picked up a small abnormality in the classroom just down the hall. And, as the latter wouldn't second guess for a moment, that abnormality had to do with one Lydia Martin and her developing abilities- and again, they were running.

Scott's hand enveloped Lena's out of habit, and instantly the two were on their way to Lydia and whatever problem was occurring just doors away. Lena, more so than Scott, was immersed in her own thoughts; while Scott was hell bent on finding the Martin girl, Lena was pondering over chess and Morrell's connections to what had now plagued their lives. In a way, Lena found, Marin Morrell wasn't very far from the truth.

But for now, the Roth girl was more focused on the fact that Lydia Martin nearly shattered her eardrums with a deafening, shrill shriek that practically shook the linoleum floors.

As would be expected, a small crowd was casually growing outside of the classroom as students began to file outside and into the small room. Lena, through the bodies, could see Aiden standing by Lydia's side, and Scott swiftly shoved past the teenagers in his way, Lena following suit.

"I don't get why no one's calling the police," were the first words that Lena heard the Martin girl utter upon entering the room. The pint sized girl's eyes were trained on their English teacher, who was standing before she and Aiden with her arms folded over her chest. Lena's eyes trailed over to the chalkboard as the two argued.

"They're gonna make an announcement over the P.A.," Blake assures the strawberry blonde, her voice holding an artificial calmness to it, as if she was trying not to lash out on the girl before her.

"That's not gonna do anything!" Lydia exclaims exasperatedly, "I told you, he's gone. Like the others: taken." Another sigh on the strawberry blonde's part. Lena shoves a bit past Scott, her hand still entangled with his as she stepped by Lydia's side.

"Okay," Blake voices. "Look, we're just trying to understand, okay? All we know is that Mr. Westover didn't show up for class."

"Like Mr. Harris," Lena mumbles. Lydia shoots the teacher an expectant look, gesturing to the brunette beside her.

"Anyone heard from him lately?" - Lydia pauses for effect - "He's gone. And he's going to be the second murder." Tearing free from Aiden's arms, Lydia marched up to the board. Determination was written clear across her face as she jammed a thumb in the direction of the board.

"But, Lydia, you wrote that number."

"Okay, fine," Lydia relents.  "I'm psychic."

"You're psychic?"

The disbelief was evident in Jennifer Blake's tone, and Lena wanted to scowl. Lydia was something- whatever it may be. Something that was leading them to the answers they needed, only, they weren't seeing what they needed to; and the battle wouldn't end until the misfit pack of teenage supernaturals (and the human) realized this.

"I'm something!"

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Lena found herself, for what seemed like the umpteenth time that week, leant up against the side of Scott's bike. The McCall boy was inside, Lena assuring him that she didn't mind waiting as he searched for another helmet- despite the fact that she didn't need one in the first place. The chill air was doing nothing to calm her nerves; but, the warm smile splayed across one Scott McCall's lips as he held up a second helmet, with a triumphant gleam to his eyes, lessened the worry just a bit.

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