Chapter seven: I'ma let you in on a little secret Sometime later:

Start from the beginning

She nods. He hacks through the police databases. "Hm, it seems like all the evidence they have against you is either blocked or "case closed"."


"I've never imagined that the Neighbors would get offered to work for a talented criminal from the werewolf royal family from the other universe. She's nothing compared to her preceders, she's nothing compared to your backstabber. She has the potential to be the next 'me', the next 'us'," Ehren's ghost says. "All it makes sense now, cousin." he cheers with the statue of his cousin then he pours some of his whiskey in the fountain of the statue. He drinks some.

Ehren stares at his niece as they chase their friends down the eerie street playing tag. "I'm sorry, Jax, but don't you worry you'll be in good hands soon." He says.

Lexi goes to sit beside him and smiles as she takes Ehren's bottle of whiskey. "They look like you."

Ehren smiles sadly with a small laugh. "They do."

When Ehren's niece makes it back to the other side where Ehren and Lexi are, they stop to look, they smile and wave.  Ehren waves back.

"Jax, are ya coming?" a voice cries out to them.

"Yeah, sorry," Jax replies as they make quick contact with Lexi.

"What are they having you do for the initiation?" Ehren asks.

"Get 'em a bigger supply of Sunsyn and Mercury and they need test subjects," Lexi replies.

"What you mean? Get 'em a bigger supply? We already have a big supply, I worked my ass off with blood, sweat and tears to get our supply."

"Hey, don't ask me."

Lexi takes her last sip and Ehren takes the whiskey bottle back. "Lexi...I was the one who closed the police cases on you," Ehren randomly confesses.

"I don't understand. Why?" Lexi asks.

"Lexi, it's the unspoken rule you never speak. What happens here, stays here."

Lexi laughs. "Seriously? The Vegas reference?" She does a long annoyed eye roll.

"I'm being serious, Lexi."

"Okay, okay, okay."

Back to Lexi's POV:

Lexi leans against a tree, smokes a cigarette. With  a shovel with her hand, Lexi  looks down at Ehren's bloody corpse that's rotten, already eaten away from maggots and with flies flying around it. She licks her lips. Lexi's fingernails turn into claws, blonde hair grows on her hands and knuckles. She slashes Ehren's stomach, her claws have blood running down them, she slowly takes nibbles as her canines sink into the rotten flesh. Lexi picks her head up allowing her hearing enhance, her tired eyes become alert as footsteps and barking inch closer. Lexi buries the parts of Ehren that aren't eaten then climbs up a tree.

"Where is it? Go find it!" the handler commands.The dog puts his nose on the ground, he begins sniffing. Lexi watches the dog sniff the trail of suspiciousness mixed with blood and rotten flesh. Once the dog stops and gets to where Ehren is buried, he doesn't stop sniffing just yet, Lexi move, he puts his two front legs on the tree, standing on his back legs. He barks to get his handler's attention, the handler shakes his head as he looks up in the tree. "I swear, dog. You get too distracted sometimes," the handler comments.

The dog sees a big shadow  approaching by the behind of his handler. "Phantom, what's wrong?" The handler turns around to see Lexi who has the shovel in her hand, about to get her next victim. He points his gun at her, she puts her one hand up, with a nervous laugh. Lexi's red eyes glow brightly, a flash of orange appears as she teleports.

"Surprise!" she says as she hits the man's head with the shovel then steals his gun and shoots him.

Phantom growls, bites Lexi, Lexi growls back as she transforms. The blonde female wolf snarls at Phantom with blood and drool pouring out of her mouth. Phantom keeps barking and growling as he bites Lexi, but he's no match for her. Lexi bites Phantom, he whimpers.

Officers surround Lexi with guns  and news pointing at her, with a cage with fresh raw meat in it, the cage sits in in the corner. A laser sight on a gun pointing on an officer catches Lexi's attention, her red eyes dilate, her smirk turns mischievous. Lexi roars and darts full speed to pounce on the officer, other officers start shooting, but they miss. Lexi notices the raw meat, she slowly and sneakily steps over the big bear trap that's in the cage and runs with the meat.

Jack's POV:

"Damn it!" Jack yells with his hands clenched.

"She's your daughter, is she? Go run after her!" Howard remarks.

Thuja laughs. "Amateurs."

"Hey, smart ass. What do you propose?" Jack asks.

Thuja looks at Zay. "No, I'm not putting the tracker in her again," Zay says.

"Why not?"

"It's not safe. She literally almost died of it."

"Sunsyn doesn't help much. Keeping the wolf in, it's not healthy, Zay."

"Sunsyn was the only way I could save her, dad unless she would've died right away."

Thuja forcefully hands Zay the tracker. "No!" Zay yells. "I can't believe I'm here with childish grown up scientists. Lexi's much smarter than all of us, she won't come near." Zay leaves and Alex comes.

Alex proposes. "She's indeed a smart one, but we can take away what she wants and desires."

"And that is?" Jack asks.

"She may be the crime lord and drug lord and does all this killing, but let's put an end to her reign of terror. What would her people do if Lexi's in jail and war came?"

"You can't declare war, boy," Jack says.

"Too late," Alex replies as a mob of soldiers arrive behind him.

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