Maybe if we ever met, I could take you to one of my favourite places in Chiang Mai and you could take me to your favourite beaches. How does that sound to you?

Song recommendations for you?

I don't know what genre of music interests you but lately, this one has been particularly on repeat so:

Someone to You by BANNERS.

How do I pass time? my hobbies?

I enjoy creating things. Dad got me interested in carpentry. When my hands were still fine, I'd make miniature things just for fun. It might sound silly but when I get bored, I'd make those DIY stuff.

For the past few months though, I have been reading and learning origami. Those things kept me sane. Recently, I have been spending a lot of time reading your letters and writing to you. It's been a lovely experience so far. So there's that.

What was my childhood dream?

I remember I wanted to become a Driver since I loved going out and I had to rely on my parents who wouldn't let me go on my own to places (mind you, I would've been only seven or eight then). Later I wanted to become a Doctor when my mother was doing her PhD. She loved randomly teaching me some of her topics. That's how I got interested in Psychology and Biology. But then I grew up and realised I enjoyed creating things and math and that's how I ended up taking engineering.

A random thing about myself:

I am naturally ambidextrous. Although I prefer writing with the right hand but since I don't have to put much strain on it, I'm using my left hand. My right-hand handwriting is much better than the left one though (flashback to the time when you wrote my handwriting looked like a five year old kid wrote it).

I am pacing between holding my breath and taking in a sharp breath right now. I am hesitant and unsure.

Snowflake, I do not know how to approach this. So if any of my words seem inappropriate, please do let me know, okay?

What happened six-seven years back? I know we are not the closest friends or maybe even friends, but I can't help but feel worried. What made you burdened and lonely? What made you quit tennis? I can be completely wrong here but you have used past tense with your parents...I'm sorry if I am being too intrusive here. I am just worried, that is all.

You do not have to share it if you don't want to just because I shared. I did it because I felt ready. You can choose to ignore this part and I wouldn't mind. No pressure, alright?

Questions for you!

Your most played song at the moment?What was your childhood dream? (yes, I am stealing your questions too)

I watched the movie 2012 and I loved it. Definitely will watch it again. It made me think of my next question:

If the World was ending tomorrow, how would you spend your today?

And since Christmas is nearing, I can't not talk about it. So:

4. What was the last present you got and from whom?

5. Favourite Christmas memory?

If I am being truthful, I wish I could send more than just a few questions. But I do not want to overwhelm you. I want to try and understand you too like you seem to understand me. I want to get to know you better, Snowflake. I hope we can do that together. Slowly but steadily.

I sent you something with this letter today. I want to introduce you to the newest member of our family. Say hi to Mr Grey :)

P.S. Just to be clear for future reference, If sharing those wonderful thoughts is what you call blabbering then please do a lot more of that in future letters. I'll be looking forward to it.

Hope you dream of Mr Grey!

Signing off,

Chainsaw :)

Chainsaw :)

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