However, they only went to a fairly small dumpling house and ordered two plates of dumplings with a small side dish.

"Mom, what you said today... was it really true? Did you really beg that cold-hearted man because of what had happened to Uncle Watanabe?"

"Yes, I had no other option, and I went to him with my last hints of hope."

"So you went today to humiliate and taunt him, right? Do you feel better now?" Lisa picked up a dumpling and placed it onto her mother's plate.

"I'll feel better when he dies. There's too much hatred between us, but remember, Lisa, I won't stop you. If you still see him as your father, you can visit him. You're you, and I'm me. I'm able to clearly distinguish that."

"Mom, do you think he really wants to make things up to me?" asked Lisa.

"I didn't think he faked it... I've never seen him cry for all the years I've known him, but his eyes were completely red from the tears today. Maybe people really become kinder towards the end of their life. Maybe he's worried that he won't even hear you call him dad before he dies," sighed Lisa's mother.

Lisa looked at her mother. Then, she took a few bites and slowly said, "Mom, this means that you're still too naive. He's caught onto your weakness."

"You don't think that his words were genuine?" her mother was somewhat surprised.

Lisa bitterly smiled. "Have you heard of crocodile tears? He purposely put on this act today for us to see. He doesn't want our forgiveness, he only wanted to get us on his side. The fact still remains that he wants to get us into the Oh family's civil war, and get us on his side to help that son and daughter of his."

"But... maybe you've guessed wrong? Then wouldn't he be the one that's wronged?" her mother thought about the previous scene once again and thought that Mr. Oh couldn't have faked his emotions.

"I'm not wrong. What do you think he is, aside from being your previous lover and my father? He's the leader of a major company! What kind of tides and storms do you think he hadn't experienced? Why would he still care for sentiments? He hadn't approached us in all of these years, but now that the Oh family is undergoing a civil war, he suddenly found his conscience and wants me back as his daughter? He only saw the weakness in humanity, and he had been preparing for it since the time he called me back to attend Grandmother's funeral. There's a dark scheme behind all of this... Mom, I'm not you, and I won't be taken advantage of. You're too nice and that's why the tragedy happened. I'll reveal his true colors for you to see. I will also let him know that he's not the only one that can be cruel. He won't get his way with his scheming, and he won't ever have me as his daughter."

Lisa lowered her head and went back to eating dumplings after she finished speaking.

Her mother was already shocked by what she said; she clearly knew and understood too little of her own daughter.

She would occasionally wonder if Lisa was truly her daughter - why would her daughter be so smart?

Such intelligence seemed scary...


At 8 PM, Nancy drove to the hospital with her mother, Sooyoung in her sports car.

Just as they entered, Nancy immediately asked, "Dad, how was it? Did those two fools believe the act you put on today? Did Lisa agree to inherit the family shares to help my brother and I?"

"I'm not sure, I can't figure out what their thoughts are for now." Mr. Oh wasn't sure how much of his words Lisa and her mother believed.

Sooyoung walked over with gentle eyes, and she held Mr. Oh's hand. "Darling, thank you for doing this for us."

SET IN STONE• (part-1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora