"Okay...but I don't really know where to take her, Dinah, that's the problem." I admitted.

"Just take her anywhere, Lo! I promise if you're there then she'll love it."

"But what does she like to do? I have no idea where to start." I stressed, running my fingers through my hair anxiously.

I was only stressing myself out. Deep down I knew Camila enjoyed being with me as much as I enjoyed being with her, but I wanted this to be perfect. Special.

"Lauren, as long as it doesn't require balance, Mila will love it. I promise." she paused, attempting to calm my sporadic nerves.

"Well... There is this treehouse I used to play in as a kid. We have a trail behind my house that leads to it, but I haven't been out there in years." I told the taller girl, trying to envision the space where I used to go so often.

I had actually vowed never to go back to the tree house after my mother had died because it was our space. We would spend hours out there talking about absolutely nothing, but if it took fixing up the treehouse to put a smile on Camila's face, I wouldn't hesitate.

"She would love that, Lo. Something that you should know about Camila is that she doesn't really care how much money you put into something. She cares more about how much time you put into it. She wants to know if you care enough to make an effort, she could care less if you go all out on expensive dinner and jewelry and shit." Dinah told me honestly.

"Okay...well I'll check it out tonight and see what I can do to fix it up enough so that we can go out there." I decided.

"Ugh, it's so hot in here." Camila grumbled, startling both Dinah and I with her unexpected entrance.

Her shirt was lifted up above her stomach and her cheeks were red due to a mix of shower steam and heat from the dryer. Although she looked grumpy and sweaty, the sight was all too adorable.

"Come her, Camz." I smiled, not able to deny how much I craved the girl's touch.

She came and sat beside me and I wrapped my arms around her small torso.

"Mila, do you mind if I go eat with someone Friday night? It'll only be a little bit and then I'll be back." Dinah asked.

"Sure, DJ, that's fine with me," Camila returned easily, "Normani right?"

Dinah nodded quickly at the question.

"I was wondering when you were gonna ask! I figured you guys still talked." Camila said, obviously aware of Dinah's internet friendship.

"Okay thanks, Mila. I didn't want you to feel like I was ditching you. Anyway, I gotta go pee, you stayed in there forever!" Dinah grunted, winking at me slyly before exiting the room.

"She's insane." Camila stated, shaking her head at her friend.

"I agree." I laughed back, thinking of the taller girl.

After a few moments of silence, I finally worked up the courage to ask Camila the question I had wanted to ask her since she became my girlfriend.

"Camila?" I sputtered out nervously.

"Yeah?" she answered, turning to look at me. Her brown eyes looked almost black in the dim lighting, but I still found myself getting lost in them.

"So...um... Since Dinah is..yanno, going to eat with Normani and stuff... I was wondering if maybe...you might want to go um..do something?" I finally forced out, swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat.

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