Chapter 2: Grace Field House part 2

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We did it.
We went to the gate.
Late at night.
When mom was at the gate with Conny.

"Conny?" I hear Emma say as she continued walking in.
"I'll stay here, tell me if there's something wrong, or if you need help." I said, standing by the wall of the gate, "Alright." Norman replied.

They continued walking in.
"Woah, Is this a real car? I've never seen one before.." Emma asked, "I don't know.." Norman answered.

"There isn't anyone inside the car." Norman walked over to the front.
"Do you think she'll find it if I leave it in here?" Said Emma. I cursed quietly at myself for not stopping them.

I heard something drop to the ground, and heard Emma gasp a little.
I looked away, trying to pretend like I didn't see Emma drop it.

"Y/n... Norman..." Emma whispered. Making Norman look at her and walk towards her.
I decided also to do it.

Something I would regret.

My eyes widen.
I knew about the secret. But I haven't seen any of the children killed.
It felt like I was gonna throw up.

I heard something.
"Is someone there?!" Someone asked.
"Hey, didn't you hear something just now?" The same voice asked again.
"You must be imagining things." Another voice said.

I picked up Little Bunny and took Norman's and Emma's hands and dragged them with me under the truck.

"If it were a stray cat, we could have caught it and eaten it!" The first voice said again.
"Ewwh... You're telling me you eat those things?" The second voice asked.

The one who was talking come closer to the truck, so we could see a bit of them.
Emma crawled a bit closer so she could see more.
Her eyes widen in shock again, making me want to see what's out there.

That's another thing I would regret.

Now I wanted to throw up again.
They weren't humans at all. I knew that, but...
I didn't think that's how they would look like.

"It looks so tasty." The one who talked at the start said, he was also the tallest one.
"Humans are the best after all!" Said the other one.
"Dammit! I can't even get a fingertip!" The tallest said.
"You idiot. This is available merchandise. We can't get anything from them without paying, and everyone from this farm is so expensive." the other one replied

I looked over at Emma and Norman, who looked terrified.
They both probably had so much running through their mind.
'What am I gonna say? Am I gonna say something?'

I nudged Emma a bit, trying to get her attention. But when I did.
Someone came out of the door.

It was mom and another demon.

"The human meat from Grace Field is all top-of-the-line stuff, meant for all the rich people." The short one said again.

Emma looked at her hand, still terrified.

"And the gupna?" The short one asked.
"It's nearly finished." The demon who came with mom said
"Another six-year-old? Lately, we have been shipping out normal ones" The demon stopped, then continued, "But we're soon going to be able to harvest some extra-high-grade ones."
"Yes." Mom replied.

I looked over at Emma and Norman. They both look like they are going to cry any second.

"Wait." One of the demons says, "I smell something." They continue.
They walk over to the truck, to look under.
Nothing or no one was there.

We ran all we could back to the house again, 'Dammit Ray! You wanted me to see those! You wanted me to see Conny's dead body... You knew we were too late...."
I heard someone fall, causing me to look behind me to see that Emma was on the ground.
"Emma!" I hear Norman call out.

'I want to get away. Please..' I turned around to the house and kept running. I wanted to go home.


We ran so fast back to the house.
Maybe a little too fast, because I fell.
I hear Norman call out my name.
"Those demons... They're worse than I have ever imagined! Everyone... The ones who got a new home... Did they really get a new home?... Or did all of them just die... Like Conny..." I started, "The mom we saw... Isn't the mom who takes care of us... right?... And... The kid that was in the truck... It wasn't Conny..?" I finished and looked up at Norman.

He stood up straight and looked at me.
"It.. was Conny..." He said. You could hear the guilt in his voice.
When he said that I started to cry.

"How'd it go?" Ray asked as we came in.
I didn't look at him. I didn't want to look at him.
"We didn't make it in time," Norman answered, walking past him, with me following after him.

𝙰 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚈/𝚗 𝚙𝚘𝚟

I didn't stop running after I left those two.
I didn't want to stop running.
I just wanted to hug someone.
I just wanted to let it all out.

I stopped running when I came to the house. I saw some light in there, guessing it was Ray. Then I walked in.
"How di- Y/n? Where are the others?" Ray asked when I came in, "I left them." I answered bluntly walking past him, "By the gate or?!" He grabbed my hand. 
"Yes, I left them by the gate. What the heck did you think? I'm not that bad. I only came with them in case they got caught." I said sarcastically.
"So, they're out there, but not by the gate?" He asked again, "Yes! Now leave me alone." I tried walking away but he stopped me again. Pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about how they got killed and all... I should have told you everything that night." He said, making me remember something.

"Y/n, you said you knew that this place wasn't an orphanage, right?" A small boy asked. "Yeah, why?" The girl answered, "Do you want to know more about this place?" The small boy asked again, "Yeah sure, why not." The girl lastly said.

"Don't worry Y/n, I'll keep you safe." Was the last thing I hear before I fell asleep.

Another chapter yayyy
I've decided I will at least try to do 2 chapters each week but idk-
Anywayssss, I hope you've had/have a good day/night or wherever you are and don't forget to eat, drink and sleep enough! Byee<33

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡  |  RAY (On hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora