Author's Note

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My name is BurntToast. This is my first fanfic for pokemon and let me introduce myself. I'm a shonen Jump fan that's currently writing a longfic original action story for an anime called Inazuma Eleven (Basically soccer anime with superpowers) and I put a lot of work and time into it to make sure the quality is good.

However, sometimes I just want to write something stupid slice-of-life stuff so this idea popped into my head and I said might as well make a oneshot out of it. So here it is.

That said, please don't judge my writing or abilities as an author based on this story haha. This one is purely for fun so I'm not even going to bother quality checking it because that type of effort is going into my main story.

Anyway, hope you get some kick out of reading it. And for the haters, feel free to hate. I know my writing is trash already.



Pokemon : Reverse Isekai One-Shots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora