"...Xing Forest, sir."

The centaur's eyes widen at the name but soon changed back to his neutral expression. "...You, Forest, hold a very interesting soul. One that is very familiar to Hogwarts."

"What do you mean sir?"

"Dig inside and you shall realize the meaning of my words. Your soul, attracts those around you whether it be good or bad."

Xing clenches her hands, "Thank you, sir. I must go now." Turning around, she sprinted back to the edge of the forest, not once looking back at the figure.

Before exiting, she took a right turn to prevent her peers from realizing that she have enter without supervision. Once she have made it outside, she walk down the path towards their meeting point, now seeing a few students gathered.

"Took your time getting your books, Forest," Dion commented after realizing the girl standing next to him. "Are you cold?"

Xing shook her head, "No, why would I be?"

"Really? Your hands are shaky."

Only then did Xing realizes how clammy and sweaty her hands are. "... I ran from the dungeon here to not be late. Just a little tired."

"You sure?" Dion raises his eyebrows.

"Of course." Dion dropped the conversation despite looking unconvinced.

Furiously trying to even her breathing, Xing look around to look for the professor, waiting for her name to be called for roll call.

Once it did, she called out in a collected manner. "Ah, the person I was looking for!" The voice whispered out from behind her, cautious to not disturb the lecture of the professor on how dangerous the Forbidden Forest out. Soon, a shadow then two cast itself upon her back. This made her sigh while Dion rolled his eyes.

"Good morning, Xing."

"Good morning."

"How are y--"

"Hush, the professor's talking," Dion interrupted, looking at the Weasley twins.

"Doesn't look like he's listening either, right George?"

"You're right, Fred!"

Annoyed with their comments, Dion whipped back raising his hand in retaliation. "You!" Xing was quick to hold on to him, preventing him from causing a commotion. "Dion, don't!"

"But Xing!"

"What's happening back there?" Professor Silvanus Kettleburn shouted out from the front, staring at the back of the group after finishing roll call.

"Apologies, Professor Kettleburn, one of the students tripped over the roots so we all got surprised." This resulted in a head shake from the professor, sighing out at the clumsiness, leading the class inside the Forbidden Forest.

As the rest of the class follows him, Xing's group also followed. Throwing the twins a glare, Xing turn back to Dion, tugging his sleeve so they can huddle closer, "Ignore them, you don't want to talk to the prefects about you losing house points."

"We're suppose to be the ones that taunt and tease them."

"Dion, I don't think it's good to be on either side."

"Hush, Forest, you're suppose to be on my side."

Rolling her eyes at Dion's sudden childish, Xing increase her pace as a mean to indirectly disagree with him. "Hey, Xing, wait for me!" With her long strides, Dion could barely keep up despite the both of them being a similar height, which was considered to be fairy tall even in the older year group. This sometimes led to Aella clinging on to one of them so she could keep up with their pace. Despite her frequent complaints, it kept their conversations interesting.

"You don't have to speed up whenever you're mad," Dion panted once he caught up to her.

"I'm not mad, Dion. I'm annoyed."


"...Sounds like you're targeting me, Forest."

"Interpret it however you want."

"Tha--" Before Dion could complain any further, Dion was tugged back to not bump into another third year. He raises his eyebrows at Xing before realizing that they have stop as he pulled his sleeves out of Xing's grasp, patting the material before focusing on the professor.

"Now turn your books to page eighty seven," the professor said. Immediately, all the students took out their Care of Magical Creatures Book which were tied by a durable rope to prevent them from biting off each other's spines.

"Merlin, why are we using such violent books," Dion groaned out.

"Because it's Cares of Magical Creatures, the books should summarize the entire course. Pet it's spine, it'll relax."

"Oh, it relaxed."

"I can definitely sense that."

"No need to for such sarcasm, Forest," Dion then muttered something in French. "Oh, you understand French!"

Xing only responded with a closed-eye smile, "Glad you remember that."

"Hush, now students," the professor announced from the front as he put down the cages filled with worm-like creature.

Flicking through the book until she have arrive at page eighty-seven, Xing groaned out at the title. Flobberworm.

"We're taking care of flobberworms?" Soon, groans and complaints filled the area which was as shut down as quickly as it has arise by the hush of the professor.

"You lot don't understand the importance of flobberworms! Despite them looking simple and boring, the mucus that they produce are a special substance that helps thickens up potions..." as the professor continues his lecture on the characteristic of flobberworms, the entire class seemed too bored to actually listened to his words and began talking among themselves.

Xing furrowed her eyebrows at this, disliking the disrespect. She look down at the book before taking out a muggle pen before underlining the important details of the creature, ignoring the rest of the students.

Dion, the Weasley twins who were standing near her seem to have pick up the frustration and decided to not interrupt her and focus on something else. With that, the class continues on and soon, the first outdoor class of Care of Magical Creatures ended with many disappointed.

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