Chapter 6: Madison Square Garden

Start from the beginning

"Yeah. I hope that didn't cross a line or anything." I said and Jeff laughed.

"Christina, you're fine. It's important you and Harry get along and he trusts you. That's why it's called a personal assistant."

I nodded softly watching Harry run more laps, "Noted."

Harry was doing vocal warm ups that I was trying hard not to laugh at in his dressing room. He kept shaking his head at me every time he would laugh slightly and have to start over.

When he was done he came and sat next to me, "If I strain my voice out there, I'm sending the fans on you."

I chuckled and handed him his hot tea, "It's a battle I'm ready to face."

He rolled his eyes and blew softly on it before taking a sip, "You ready to watch the best show of your life?"

"Wait...Taylor Swift is performing?" I said pretending to be excited and his face dropped instantly causing me to cackle, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Look someone needs to knock you off your high horse, and it's a task I've happily taken."

"You know what, I think I need a new assistant. Jeff, I need a new Christy, this ones mean." He called out and Jeff laughed.

"Sorry, but she color coordinated our schedules, I can't let her go." He shrugged and so did I.

"Yeah sorry Harry, I'm just too cool." We both chuckled and he shoved me slightly as he was getting up.

"Alright people. Show time! Let's do this!" He clapped his hands before running out of the room and down the hall to the entrance.

I stuck by Jeff's side, we waited until Harry started the show to make our way out and watch him perform. Harry didn't lie, it was a pretty great show. I couldn't get over how much energy he just naturally had up there. The way he interacted with the audience, with his band. The man just knew what he was doing, no doubt about it.

As he began the last song, Jeff tapped my shoulder and we made our way back to the backstage area. Harry was back there shortly, and we were in his car before he even had time to catch his breath.

"That was so great Harry. Literally such a good concert." I smiled and he did too.

"Better than Taylor Swift." He smirked and I raised both eyebrows at him.

" wish." I chuckled and he glared at me.

I woke up the next morning and stretched in bed feeling more rested than I had in a while. I reached over for my phone and rubbed my eyes so I could look at the time.

9:00am. I can't remember the last time I slept until 9:00am.

I closed my eyes and started to doze off again suddenly gasping and sitting up, "Shit!" I said out loud quickly getting off the bed and running into the living room finding Harry at the kitchen.

"Harry I'm so sorry, I don't know wha—Christy. Chill. I heard your alarm just going off over and over so I turned it off. You looked tired, I figured I could handle breakfast and coffee today."

It took me a minute to register that he had made eggs, potatoes, and even bacon, which I guessed was for me.

"Wait, you can cook?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you, Harry for so graciously allowing me my slumber and for withering away making me a delicious meal." He said sarcastically and I laughed.

"Right, thank you Harry, for being the best boss ever and hopefully not giving me food poisoning." I chuckled and walked over reaching for a cup of coffee.

Harry quickly pulled it away and my jaw dropped, "Nope."

"Harry come on, I was kidding."

"Nope. You get nothing now."

I peeked over at the coffee pot just around the island then back at Harry.

"Don't even think about it Christina." He said.

"About what? I'm just admiring the" I said as I tried to outrun him to it but instead bumped into him as he blocked the way. I lost my balance slightly and he held me up laughing.

"You alright?" He asked as I stood in front of him crossing my arms.

"Not if I don't get my coffee." I glared at him and he chuckled reaching over and handing me the one he had already made.

"Grouch." He teased and I rolled my eyes taking a sip of my coffee. I walked back around the island and sat on a stool on the other side.

"Thank you for letting me sleep in. And breakfast." I smiled softly.

"You're very welcome." He smiled playfully at me.

Later that night after the concert we went home in separate cars. I stayed to make sure he didn't leave anything behind before heading home. On the way I got Harry's special text.

H: 💃🏻

C: 👍🏻

I bit my lip and leaned my head against the car window taking a deep breath.

Hopefully this one is quiet.

I got to the loft and as I made my way up a woman joined me in the elevator. She was beautiful beyond words, perfect tan skin, that almost glowed along with her long blonde curls. She smiled at me and it only took a quick minute for me to register that this was Harry's guest.

I pressed the button for our floor as she was reaching for it. She looked me up and down confused, "Oh, are you visiting Harry too?" She said shortly, raising an eyebrow.

"Just his assistant, I live here. Don't mind me." I smiled softly avoiding her gaze, chewing on my lip. When we finally got to the floor I opened the door and let her in, turning quickly into the hall as I heard her call out his name. I walked in my room and closed the door behind me. Suddenly any hunger I previously felt evaporated and I just needed to get in bed before they started going at it.

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