11. The Past

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Michael's P.O.V

13 years ago.

"Promise me, Michael. Promise me you will protect our daughters with your life." Olivia cried, with blood dripping for her mouth.

"I promise, Olivia." Silent tears streamed down my face. She closed her eyes. "No! You can't leave me like this!"

"Always remember that I love you. Tell our daughters I love them. Don't hurt yourself. Don't let anything happen to our babies." She whispered. "Goodbye, my love."

"No. No. No no no! This can not happen! Olivia! No. Please no!" I gripped her body tighter, closer to mine. It wasn't fair to me. I only got to spend 8 years with my mate. I couldn't lose her just like that!

"Papa, why are you crying?" My older daughter asked. I looked around to see her tired self looking sad. "Papa! What happened to mommy? Is she... Dead?"

It only made me cry harder. I wasn't ready to accept my mate's death just yet. I couldn't. I looked down at her body. She looked so peaceful, yet so much in pain. I would make that bastard pay for what he did.

"Honey, what are you doing here alone? Where is your sister?" I wiped my tears and looked behind her. There was no sign of my younger daughter.

"I heard your howl. I felt mommy calling me. I had to be come." She answered. "What happened to mommy, papa? What happened here?

"You see mommy here? Some bad wolf killed her." I explained. The explanation made me break down again.

"Papa!" That snapped me out of my phase. A shiver ran down my spine as I realised that my other daughter was alone.

"Elliane, have you left your sister alone?" She nodded, looking guilty. "You know how she is, Elliane! Now, run!" I ordered. 

I picked up my wife's body from the forest floor and ran towards our house. I informed David and Alan to come to my house. 

"Michael? Olivia?" Sylvia called as I entered my house. Sylvia was David's mate, and Olivia's younger sister. She rushed to my side when she saw her sister motionless, in my arms.

"How did this happen?" David growled. "Who did this to her?"

Olivia was like an older sister to David. She took care of both Sylvia and him when they lost their parents.

"When did this happen? How did this happen?" Alan asked. Alan was the third in command of David.

"Almost 2 hours ago. Olivia went for a run. She usually is back within an hour but it had been more than one and half hours. I grew worried so I ran towards her scent. Soon, I came across her, lying in the clearing, wounded. She did not have any knife of anything on her. He stabbed her and took the knife out. He left without a trace. No scent, nothing." I explained.

"Mike, we'll avenge Olivia's death. We promise." Alan reassured. Tears streamed down my face once again.

I laid down Olivia's body on the couch and sat on the floor, holding her cold hand.

"Mike, where are Elliane and Portia?" David asked, sounding a bit worried.

"Probably in their rooms." I answered. "Wait, I can't hear them."

"Me neither." Everybody fell silent. "Hey, do you hear that?" Alan recurred.

By the second, we were all out of my house and in my porch. There he stood. Chuckling darkly with my daughters behind knives.

"Daddy!" Portia cried. It broke my heart. I couldn't lose my daughters too.

"Don't you hurt my daughters, Ellis!" I roared. His grip on them tightened as they both cried out in pain, the knife digging into their skin.

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