The Day I Relized...I Was No One...

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" did you first find out?"

Rob raised an eyebrow "what?"

You know, how did you first found out we weren' know..." they hesitate, still trying to comprehend the fact themselves "real?"

Rob sighed, mentally preparing himself,  to recall his story

"I was just walking, when suddenly,  something was sucking me into the ground..."

///////////FLASH BACK/////////////////

"What the hell..." I say, waking up from what felt like a comma, the last thing I remember was Falling...

And falling...

I look around see static, a long with old and out dated things. Like the phrase 'YOLO" and some crazy looking blue frog thing. whare am I? Who am I? What's going on?

"Hello... is anyone out there?" I screamed to no avail,  I tried one last time "hello! Anyone...? Am I just talking to myself?" I sighed, defeated. I tried talking to the frog, but he was just a glitched out still frame, I walk off, and decided to look around.


All there is, is static.

I did eventually find a mirror, all though, a broken one, and begin to analyze myself.

I'm a cyclops, with blue skin, brown hair, and a purple eye, yellow shirt, and  brown shorts. But one thing stuck out to me the most, a brown backpack.

I begin to open it, finding a wallet, with I assume to be my, or what USED to be my student ID

Name: Rob
D.O.B: 3-24-XXXX

School: Elmore Jr. High

I look in the mirror, then at my ID photo, to confirm that this was my ID, witch, from the looks of it, it was.

"Rob, ay? Not a bad name." I say as I smiled for the first time since I fell down here.

I then her what sounds like a flute, if I had ears, they would have peaked,  I begin to fallow the noise, hoping it was another person, hope filled my sole.

"Maybe I'm not all alone after all! Maybe there's someone else out there!" I think, only to have all that hope, spill out like milk.

What I saw, was probably worse them if there was no one, at least It would have saved me from the truth

What I saw, were rainbow end credits,  along with a familiar name
'Gumball Watterson ' all though he didn't recognize the names next to Gumballs, or any of his family members names. But then when it ended, I saw something,  and suddenly, every thing clicked

"Cartoon Network  Studios Europe...?"

I stepped back " no No NO! it can't be?!" I say, tears flowing down my.eyes like waterfalls.

////////////////PRESENT DAY////////////

"And that was the day I relized...

None of this is real, just cartoons made up by some studio in Europe...a few months later, I would realize that I was forgotten....a mistake...." Rob begin to tear up, his former nemesis,  would realize and hug him as a form of comfort "No your not! And this world is stupid for putting you in the Void for that!" They said, as Rob platomicly held his blue little paw witch Gumball happily let him. Gumballs paw was soft, it brought Rob comfort "yeah, right, you can't even get my name right half the time..."

"Yeah, but half because,  remembering names, is kinda hard for me, and half because the wold made me forget...I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you, if I cold, I would go back to save you..." Gumball

" yea and I'm sorry for, literally trying to murder you" Rob said, "it's okay... I forgive you" Gumball reminded

"I forgive you to..."

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