The Blood Moon ( short chapter )

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Once again the night has come, children hugging on to their parents tight, the elders and men of Gavalden creating a ring around the forest with pitchforks and torches of flames.

The night that Faith was scared.

Faith had boney little legs, gaunt cheeks, eyes as black as the night sky and curly black hair filled with grease. She wasn't the most beautiful but she was ordinary - She had hope that the School for Evil would take her or the School for good, anything was better than here. Her mother was loved amongst the people of Gavalden, they loved her sweet cunning voice and her good faith while faith found it annoying. Faith was alone unlike her mother - her sister, Truth, had always been the favourite while Faith had to pick up the scraps left behind her sister.

Suddenly, there was a wisp of wind gushing at Faiths tinted window. The window violently shook and Flung open. A figure that wasn't like the past years stood at the entrance of her window, slowly yet cautiously walking towards Faith, Grabbing her and fleeing with her in hand.

"Has my moment come!" Faith screamed, as leaves and bush stick scratched and picked at her skin.

The figure let go, and in front of her was the town beauty, Lilith.

Lilith long silky brown hair flowed and her plum rosy cheeks nested a smile, She was tall but slim, just right.

"Oh it's you" Lilith said, batting her eyelashes.

"Okay I definitely know I'm gone to the school for evi-" Faith was about to say a two large claws grabbed her and Lilith.

And off they flown to their new lives

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