6) As Straight As A Circle

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Now here he was.
Him, his boyfriend, his boyfriend's therapist, a redhead he didn't like and two very tall elfes.

All of them sitting in a circle on the ground of the attic which was enlightened in all colors of the rainbow.

"How about we introduce ourselves first, I'll start even if everyone here knows me. My name is Melody Flocks, I'm 21 years old, a lesbian, multilingual and a therapist."

"I have a question!" the dark skinned elf said.
"Yes, Nathaniel?"
"What does multilingual mean?"
Hiro had to control himself to not instantly answer with and intelligent and complex explanation.

New people, new impressions.
He shouldn't be labeled as an arrogant know-it-all from the very beginning.
More social contacts should do him and Nick very well.
As long as those new contacts aren't named Ray Blake, in his opinion, she should stay away.

"Multilingual means that I can speak every language including animal languages." Melody explained.
"Cool!" he replied.
"Artemis, do you want to continue?" she asked the elf-girl to her left.

"Sure! I'm Artemis Loath, 19 years old, pan and asexual and I'm an elf, obviously. Oh and I study Biological Magic." she said with a friendly smile.

"Question, do you have a brother?" Hiro was so excited for the answer he didn't notice the other three giggling.

Nick tried to hide himself behind him in the meantime.
"Yes, why?" she asked confused.
"Is his name Apollo?"
Everyone in the room looked at him with confusion, everyone except Artemis.

"No it's not, but I've asked my parents the same thing multiple times." she answered laughing.
Just now Hiro noticed her bright pink eyes.

How could he have not noticed that earlier?
Her pink eyes made a perfect contrast to her dark skin and the hazel chest long hair which she wore in a braided ponytail.

She had tied the end of her braid with a dark-green ribbon.
Now that Hiro was looking at Artemis he also took a closer look at her clothing.

The same ribbon that she had in her hair was also dangling over her chest on a beige blouse but this one was hold up by a light-pink brooch.
He as well noticed a ring on her right hand.

At first it looked as if it were made out of pink colored glass or rose quartz.
But when he looked closer, Hiro noticed that it was made out of transparent glass in which he could see a ton of tiny magnolia blossoms.

At the height of her waist her blouse vanished inside a brown skirt which was decorated with embroidery of dark-green roses.
She wore light pink lace sandals with a small heel.

"Wanna go next?" she asked the elf-boy next to her, who had to hold back his laughter.
He had the same hazel hair as her but his was way shorter since it'd only reach his chin if he'd straighten it.

His eyes also weren't pink like her's but as blue asblueberries insteads.
It's never been unusual for elfes to have very colorful eyes.
He wore a black polo-neck sweater which turned dark- 'till light-blue half the way through.

On top of that he wore a thin black jacket which was decorated with many tiny light-blue stars.
His dark-grey trousers were more plain than his shiny black boots which were tied with rainbow laces.

"Okay." he said giggling.
He took a deep breath before he started to calm himself down.
"I'm Nathaniel Loath and-"
"Wait what?!" Hiro interrupted him shocked.

Everyone had to laugh, Nick and Hiro as well.
"Wait wait wait! You're Artemis' Brother?" Hiro asked with a bright red face.
"Yes!" he and his sister replied at the same time.

"Oh god how embarrassing!" Hiro whined and hid his red face inside of Nick's chest who was still laughing.
"It's okay." Nathaniel tried to calm him down but Hiro didn't move a bit.

"Just continue, Hiro here will need a few more minutes." Melody explained.
"Okay, I'm 21 years old, a bisexual elf and I'm helping to solve the riddle of the White Woods. Any questions?" he said.

"What's the riddle of the White Woods?" Nick asked his boyfriend silently, because he was still too nervous to talk to the others.
Hiro, who was still half laying on Nick, replied:

"The riddle of the White Woods is a riddle that is unsolved up 'till today. The White Woods surround the cities Renia, Lyssa and Bricks but nobody knows what's beyond the Woods since it's a mad maze.

The only time the Woods opened itself was when Bricks burned to the ground six years ago and Lizzy Ravan died in the fire.
For an unknown reason the woods opened two paths for Biricks' population that day.

On of them led to Renia to the Vonnetts and the other to Lyssa to the Lestons.
Question answered?"
Everyone in the room stared at him surprised.

"Wow, how does so much knowledge fit in your head?" Artemis asked almost scared.
Finally Hiro got up again and explained: "It's not hard to remember things that you've experienced yourself."

After a few seconds of silence Travis decided that it'd be the best if he'd just continue, which nobody really was mad at him for.

"Uhm I'm Travis Foxs, 20 years old, pan and asexual just like Artemis and I'm a doctor." the redhead introduced himself.
He wore a white shirt and on top of that a black sweater just like Hiro, but his had a sleeping brown and white cat on it.

Aside from his dark-brown wide trousers, Hiro also noticed his black gloves again.
"I thought you work at the Foxburrow?" Nick and Hiro asked at the same time.

"Well, I inherited the cafe from my parents but I have other dreams." he explained. Both of them nodded as they understood.
"Oh and you forgot to say what your magic is!" Nick noticed.

Travis hesitated at first but then he decided to get it over with.
"I'm an astral." he explained.
Nick only looked at him with confusion.
"What's that?" he asked curious.
All of the sudden the fear of speaking to the others was gone.

"That's a phenomenon, which can affect people born in summer. Those people don't have any magic but they come back as an animal after they die." he replied while looking at the ground because he couldn't stand those pity looks.

"That's why you don't have any magic! You're an astral too Hiro!" Nick said enthusiastic.
Travis finally looked Hiro in the eyes and smiled at him hopefully.


What do you think, is Hiro an astral or not?
And if not, what else could he be instead or why doesn't he have any magic?

Who doesn't wanna guess has to wait for the next chapter which will hopefully be published soon.
I have two weeks of holliday and today is just the 4th day so I hope that I come to write a little more.

-fay, author

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