06 | Fate?

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Two days have passed and it's a work day but I can still remember the embarrassing events of the day before, it was beyond embarrassing and just remembering it makes me cringe.

 I'm in my office reviewing some plans for our branch opening in North Carolina when my secretary walks in.

"Always knock Martha, for goodness sake always knock" I tell her looking at her sternly. I've had to put up with her wrong doings recently and I was getting pissed.

Looking at me apologetically, she tells me "Sorry ma'am, it won't happen again".

"I hear you. What is it?" I reply.

"Someone is here to see you, he says his name is Femi from Area Management"

"Femi?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am".
The name sounds familiar but I can't remember where I heard it. I try to remember but still nothing.

"You could have called to tell me" I tell her looking exasperated.

"Sorry ma'am"

"All you say is sorry. Tell him to come in"

"Okay ma'am" she says and leaves. And in one minute, a tall and handsome young man walks in. Shit it's the same guy from that day. 'Why is he here?, Does he work here? God this is so embarrassing' I thought to myself but I manage to compose myself.

"Hi Miss Wright, it's nice meeting you again. How are you feeling? he asks looking at me with same piercing eyes as before, eyes that sent shivers down my spine. I immediately look away. I'm not easily intimidated by men, what is this one doing to me?

Clearing my throat and rearranging myself in my seat, I reply him "I'm fine. What do you want?, do you work here?".

"Yes, I do. I was recently hired as area manager. I was told that I'd be working with you on the opening branches in NC".

"What?" I ask looking shocked. "No one told me that".

"Give me a minute, I  need to make a phone call" I tell him as I pick my phone and immediately call my dad. 

"Hi dad, an employee named Femi just came to my office. He said we'd be working together for the NC opening branches? What is this about?, I wasn't informed".

"We're opening quite a number of restaurants in NC Laurel and I need someone there to supervise that project and make sure everything goes smoothly. I can depend on you for that, you've done excellent in the past" my dad replies on the other end.

"Why can't you use someone else? There's thousands of other competent employees".

"They all have their hands full and this is a very huge project, a very important one. You've never failed me before and you're the only one I can trust on this".

"Okay but did you have to assign me there with a newbie?" I question him sounding offended and I can feel Femi's eyes looking at me just as I said it.

"He's not a newbie, he's very competent and graduated with honors, you'll both do great. You both fly to NC in two weeks and you'll be there till the restaurants open and work fine, do not disappoint me dear". he says as he hangs up. 

Aargh he's so annoying! Now I'm stuck with a newbie till God knows when! 'At least he's handsome'  I found myself thinking. Oh stop it Laurel, you'll only be there for work.

"Seems we'll be working together for a while" I tell the dark handsome man standing in front of me. "There's a lot of work to be done, I'll need you close to me".

"What?" he asks with a smile.

"You'll be moved to the office directly opposite mine, we have a lot to work on and I can't keep sending for you whenever I need you or relaying messages, it will take more time that I do not have. So for the two weeks we have here, that will be your new office" I say to him pointing at the small office facing mine. 

"What did you think I meant?".

"Nothing" he replies shaking his head.

"On your way out, tell my secretary to prepare the office for you, tell her I need you there by tomorrow and please don't be late or incompetent, I despise that" I warned. 

Smiling at me with confidence, he responds "I promise to exceed your expectations Miss".

"It's Ma'am and we'll see about that" I say to him. I don't want him thinking I'm easy because I'm a young woman. "You can leave now".

"Okay MA'AM" he replies, stressing the ma'am so I can hear it. 

"See you tomorrow" he says and smiles as he leaves the office and I can't help but admire him as he leaves. I find myself smiling just at the thought of seeing him tomorrow. 'You're crazy Laurel'  I say to myself.

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