I'll Be Coming Home (Wait For Me)

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"You know, we're going to be spending an awful lot of time together." The Grabber excitedly tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. "So why don't we try to get to know each other a bit?" Finney did not respond, The Grabber seemed less than pleased by this but he carried on.

"Why don't we ask each other a few questions. I'll start." Finney shifted in the seat slightly, his bound hands remained in his lap. Before The Grabber continued to talk Finney did a scan of the street they were on. It was completely empty, just like the last one.

"What's your favourite colour?" The Grabber turned back towards Finney, and the boy kept his mouth shut.

"Mine's red, how about you?" The Grabber sounded slightly agitated, and Finney figured it might be best to play along and not do anything to provoke the man's temper.

"Green." The Grabber let out a hum of approval.

"That's a good colour." Finney felt no guilt for the lie, and he saw The Grabber adjusting his grip on the wheel as they turned down another empty street.

"Alright here's another one for you." The Grabber sounded excited, and Finney did not know if this was a good or a bad thing. It was good, because it meant he wasn't getting angry. It however was bad, because it meant The Grabber was all too happy to spend his time with Finney.

"Do you like reading?" Finney shrugged his shoulders.

"Depends on the book." The Grabber let out a chuckle, and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel.

"Yeah, I'm like that too." Finney wished he'd given a different answer now, he did not want to be in anyway compared to the man beside him.

"You know I was reading this book, by some Russian guy a couple of days ago his name was Vladimir something." Finney did not bother to respond, but nonetheless The Grabber carried on.

"It's crazy how some authors can create such realistic and relatable characters isn't it?" The Grabber chuckled to himself and Finney shifted in his seat slightly.

"You know I might let you read that book sometime." He mused as he turned his indicator on to go down another empty street. Finney remained silent. Although The Grabber was still wearing sunglasses Finney was aware of the glances that he was sending his way. The man attempted to be subtle about his glances, but Finney could tell.

"You can ask me some of your own questions, you know?" The Grabber fully turned his head to look at Finney who had to resist the urge to flinch away. He swallowed around the dryness in his throat, and hesitantly asked.

"What's your name?" The Grabber smirked and leaned back in his seat.

"Albert." The Grabber's hand came down on Finney's shoulder.

"But you can just call me Al." Finney would be doing nothing of the sort. His fingers pressed harshly into Finney's skin. The Grabber smiled at him in a way some would describe as friendly, but because Finney knew what this man was capable of, the only word that could be used to describe this smile was predatory.

The fingers on his shoulder pressed down harder, for a moment they stayed there pressing into Finney's skin, but then the fingers let him go and The Grabber returned his hand to the steering wheel. Finney turned to look out the window, the sun was still rising and in the early morning light was covered by the clouds that were drifting through the sky.

They turned down another street, but it was unlike the other ones. This one wasn't empty. In the distance Finney could make out two figures on a bike, Finney glanced towards The Grabber who was too busy glancing in his rear view mirror to have noticed anything.

Make The Most Of Your life (While It Is Rife)  {The Black Phone}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang