Xie Yixiu shook his head, he was hit hard by his arrow at the beginning, and he was lucky not to die. This person has been silent for a few years, and this time, news came suddenly, I'm afraid it's not good news.

Tuoba Ren suddenly appeared on the edge, no one could tell his purpose, but it must not be a good thing.

Wen Yuzhao thought for a while, "These days, the barbarians have been rushing around, is that why?" He glanced at Xie Yixiu, and he was indeed sharp-minded. Xie Yixiu must have noticed something, so he suggested that General Wei should strengthen the garrison to station Shi Chongguan. Bar?

Back then, Tuoba Ren took advantage of people not to pay attention and sent spies to enter the pass, spread rumors, attacked from inside and outside, and broke Shi Chong Pass in one fell swoop. The scene back then was terrifying to think about. Everywhere the barbarians passed, the corpses of the people of Liangzhou lay everywhere. , the villages along the way were slaughtered.

However, this time, there are the Red Pao Army and General Xie, under strict guard, if you want to break Shi Chongguan, I am afraid it will not be so easy!

There is a red robe army, and there are troops stationed in the border areas. With concerted efforts, you may not be afraid of a Tuoba Ren, hum! So what if Tuoba Ren was so powerful that with that arrow from Zhan General Xie Yixiu, didn't he almost kill him? In the end, panicking like a lost dog, he was defeated all the way back to the royal court. Now that he can keep his own feet, it is not impossible for him to stay in Shi Chongguan forever.

66. Chapter 66

"Knowing yourself and knowing the enemy can win a hundred battles. The first thing we need to do is to find out what his purpose is. I don't believe that his sudden appearance is meaningless." Wen Yuzhao said with a fist.

Xie Yixiu nodded. Although he didn't know his purpose, he still had to guard against it.

"General, the people in Duanwang's guard camp are very knowledgeable about detective information, why don't we ask Duanwang to send two people to inquire?" Wen Yuzhao said after thinking for a while.

The training of the escort battalion is very different from theirs. Because Jiyu and the others are in the escort camp, they also know the training plan of the escort battalion. Relatively speaking, their red robe army or garrison paid more attention to large-scale team operations, and various formations and assaults were consistent with each other.

However, the guard battalion is not the case. They are small in number and focus more on small corps or individual combat, so their people are particularly outstanding for detectives, sneak attacks, or individual combat capabilities. Wen Yuzhao made this point because he took a fancy to the guard camp.

Xie Yixiu shook his head, "It's not necessary for now. We don't need to scare the snakes. We will send people to pay close attention first. If they make any moves, they will immediately report.

" He is only a person, not a god. Five years ago, the Red Robe Army was able to defeat them, and they will not lose to him five years later.

The treacherous situation in the borderland did not affect Liangcheng. Ming Yu is a little bald now, and there is not enough manpower. If you want to dig a tributary to nourish the land west of Changlan Mountain, you must have manpower and material resources, but now the people of Liangzhou Spring ploughing has already started, and only half of the manpower can be recruited.

Originally, Ming Yu wanted to put his idea on the garrison, but the garrison was completely unable to draw any troops. Just because the barbarians outside Shi Chongguan were eager to move, the Liangzhou garrison almost devoted all of their energy to defending Shi Chongguan.

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