The Hermit and a home date with The Angel- Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

"Anyways shido, do tell what worries you"

It was now kotori, urging shido to spit out his answer, then he looked down and I saw a tear on his eyes, the others didn't see it.

"I-I couldn't save her, I'm such a loser"

Then I looked at him with angry eyes, then he got scared, I grabbed him by the collar

"Do whatever it takes shido, I'll play your part, and you play yours"

Then I removed my hand

"Besides,it's not your fault, it was the AST, now then, go back down there and cook us some lunch will ya"

Then he fearfully nods and went down using the transport pad, then I sighed.

"Anyways, I know where the puppet is"

"W-wait, Yuki-nii, you know?!"

"Yes, but don't tell it to Shido, we should leave the two alone"

"Wait, so you planned this all along"

Then I gave her a cocky grin

"Yes, after all, I am the master of hearts, well then, tata"

I went to the launch pad and teleported myself near origami's place

"Damn, that's a huge building"

Then I went to the sliding door, I pushed the communications

"Who is it"

"Uh, it's me, Yu-"

Then the door opened, then I eneterd the elevator, then I blocked communication from fraxinus, so to not interrupt us, then I opened the door, to find origami in a maid costume


I gave her a bland look, then she seemed perplexed

"Hmm, why isn't it working, oh, ahem, welcome back home, master"

"Yeah, thanks origami, but why the get up?"

Me and my junior can't handle it now, any moment, I might have an erm here, this is really not helping

"You said you like maids"

"Oh that, well in fact I do, you look cute in that origami"

"Hmm, why isn't your son acting up?"

What the hell origami?!! Why are you asking that to I boy, I facepalmed myself

"Listen origami, I'm trying so hard to not ravish you now, but now your making it more harder"

I sighed, I need to keep my fantasies in check, dude, even if I'm still as rich as Jeff bezos now, I still wouldn't want to do it now!

"Hmm, well then, come in"

Then origami ushered me to come in her house, well room to be precise

"Ahh, thanks origami"

"Would you like tea?"

"Ahh, yes please"

Then she went to the kitchen, then she came back a few minutes later, with a purple liquid, no matter how you look at it, that's not tea

"Erm, thanks I guess?"

Then I smelled it, then an intoxicating smell run my nostrils

"Gahk, what the the hell is this?!!"

"Drink it"



Then she gave me a cute face, ah come on, playing the puppy dog eyes, I sighed

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