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a few hours had passed since the pool incident, noa knew conrad had come she  just hadn't seen him. the older girl was standing in the kitchen texting with her younger sister about how susannah had invited the rest of her family to come for the 4th of july, before she heard a knock at the door. since she didn't hear anyone moving to open the door, she did it herself.

as she opened the door she saw a familiar teenage boy whom she recognised as cam cameron.

"hi, cam i'm guessing?" she smiled

"oh hey yeah, um are you taylor?" the boy asked confused 

"oh no, i'm noa, conrad-" 

"my girlfriend, she's my girlfriend, hey man i'm conrad" the eldest fisher boy miraculously appeared out of thin air to greet the boy, wrapping his arm around noa's waist.

"oh sweet, nice to meet you guys, is belly here?" the boy asked 

"oh yeah, i think we're just about to eat dinner"


the large group was now huddled around the table eating their dinner,

"this is delicious" cam smiled at laurel

"yeah" belly agreed

"so cam, you mind if i call you cam cameron?" jeremiah asked

"mhm, yeah man feel free. that's funny" cam nodded


"i'm glad you're here cameron" susannah smiled at the boy, "i know your mom, denise from the club. i have heard a lot about you"

"thank you for having me," cam smiled at susannah, "my mom says hi"

"oh that's lovely" susannah laughed, "speaking of moms, noa i'm sure you know already but i called your mom and asked if your family wanted to come up for the 4th, she said she will tell you who's coming"

"oh yeah, i was just talking to her before" noa smiled, "she said everyone is home for the weekend so they're all coming, fun

"amazing, i will make sure there is plenty of food" susannah smiled

"wait hold up, everyone is coming?" jeremiah smiled with a huge grin, which noa nodded in response, "holy shit, that's so good i can't wait, this is gonna be like noa's 17th just adults"

"i don't think it will be that crazy jere" noa chuckled

"wait sorry, i think i missed something" belly chimed in, "who's coming?"

"noa's family" susannah answered the girl


"no bells you don't understand, they are awesome there's so many of them too" jeremiah exclaimed

"oh okay, how many?" she asked the older girl

"well there's my parents, and then i have 4 siblings, my older sister collins is 22, my older brother dean is 20 and then the twins, poppy and clay are 16. so lot's of craziness" she chuckled

"conrad is scared of dean" jeremiah laughed

"am not" his remark made noa smile, he definitely was

"i don't see your scared face when you talk to clay" the younger fisher laughed

"but we all see it when he talks to poppy" susannah joined in

"to be fair, poppy is terrifying i've lived with her my whole life and i'm scared to borrow a bobby pin" noa laughed

"exactly thank you noa, and besides i'm not scared of dean, he's just... intimidating" conrad shrugged

"sure buddy sure"

"have you seen the guy, he's what 6'4?" the older boy exclaimed, "he could break you in half"

"it's too bad you stopped play football then" steven joined in for the teasing

"whatever" conrad rolled his eyes

"well, moving onm i'm thinking maybe we should go to nicole's party" belly focused the attention back on herself

"yes oh my god" taylor cheered, "i love you, i'm so excited!"

𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 . . . 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙖𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz