Chapter 8

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I'm in my room. Scott and Stiles went out, stiles is gonna try and cheer up Scott before I try my way.
Im in Scott's room, it's Monday, his school is back open, I just didn't go to school for the two days it was close, his alarm went off, our mom came in turning it off quick, Scott covered his head. Our mom said" you alive in there?" Scott said" no." Our mom said" not ready to go back to school?" Scott said" no." she said" you want to stay home another day?" Scott said" no." she said" want a brand new car?" Scott looked at her, she said" me, too." Scott got up, I did too going to my room, to my bathroom.
I walk into my school, Mason comes up to me saying" hey, I went by your house and got the project then finished it then turned it in, we done great. so you okay?" I said" yeah, I'm fine. it was just a passing sickness, my brother had then gave it to me." I'm so lying right now but so what. he said" okay, so I'm passing all my classes. how about you?" I said" I'm always passing. now we have to go take a test that's half our grade, lets go!" He said" okay, going going!" We went into our class, this test is gonna be easy.
I walk out of the room, Mason trailing me. we finished the test, and our teacher graded it, we both passed. with 90%-99%. We went to lunch and grabbed trays, We sat down at a table and looked at each other's food. I said" trade you, 1 of your chicken strips for my jello." he said" deal." I took his chicken while he took my jello. we joked around and ate our lunches once the bell rang, we rushed to get to our next classes.
I'm at home about to leave, stiles is probably gonna lock me in my room for safety matters. Scott is acting strange the full moon is taking effect on him. I walk downstairs, stiles just went upstairs, I walk out the door going to Mason's.
Once I get there, he answers the door. Mason said" hey, you finally got here!" I said" whatever." We go up to his room, where pizza and sodas are on the table, video games and movies are on the floor and the bed is set up with a million blankets and pillows. I said" you're awesome." He said" I know." we jumped onto the bed and started watching movies. we were laughing and cracking jokes, then we just chilled out to music while playing video games. it's nearly 10:30pm. I said" okay, I'm tired and I need to go home, see ya later Mason." he said" see ya, Peyton." I walked away from his house, having to walk home is bad but having to on a full moon is worse. I made it home checking on Scott, I see him in his room then I head to my room, falling asleep.

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