“10 minutes. I’d switch the privacy system on. Thank me later.”

Taking this as an opportunity, she quickly rush in and wrapped her arms around Loki with tight hug as he pull her closer to him and place his face on her shoulders. His body is shaking, whispers lowly, “Alive… Lea… alive…”

Reaching her right hand up to touch the back of his head while her other hand pat his back softly with her soothing aura, she nodded her head at his chest with a soft hummed. When he feels safe, he unconsciously, slowly, begins to talk about what happened.

“I didn’t do it…”


“…I was being control… I can’t fight back…” his grips tighten around her, “…I… just wanted… to find you… to see you…”

“I’m happy that you found me, My Prince.”

Silent conquer the room, they stay close into each other’s arms a comfortable moment without any disturb, with the God of Mischief cling to the goddess like a dear life, nuzzling his face at her neck and slowly drift to sleep by Layla’s familiar warmth and safe aura around them.

10 minutes has passed, she slowly lay him down on the floor, using her magic to summons soft pillow and warm blanket on him before she leave the cell as the door automatically close behind her. Just as she about to turn to the direction towards the communication system room, she was surprise to see Steve leaning at the wall beside her.

“Hi…” He smile at her.

Of course she doesn’t notice he is here, ALIVE, in front of her, after what had happened in the past. Her mouth part slightly open, body froze by his appearance and her eyes widen as if she had seen a ghost.

Steve caught her reaction as he immediately starts to explain with his hands wave in gesture, panicked, “Wait! Before you scream, yes I know you are shock to see me standing here, in front of you, breathing like any normal living human and yes I am alive. Not dead.”


He scratched the back of his head with a nervous smile, “And… I’m glad I am not alone… I miss you.”

To his surprise, she hug him while exclaims, “I can’t believe you are really here!"

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he chuckles happily, “Can’t believe you look the same…” Push a little so he can look closely at her face as he continue with a slight blush, “…and gorgeous too.”

She grinned, “What can I say? I am a goddess. Don’t you believe me?”

“In the past, I don’t.” Caress her cheek with his finger, lowly murmurs, “But now, I do.”

Somehow this cause her face heats up in embarrassing and quickly pull apart, “U-Um… let’s go! I think the others are waiting for us.”


While Layla and Loki having their moment, the others were watching them through CCTV screen. To think their goddess has a history with the so-called villain… Just as Natasha came through the opened door with silence, enters the communicate system next to meeting room. She casually walks to the computer and clicked the switch off button. ‘For Privacy.’ Luckily they didnt see that Natasha switch on the gate that was opened.

It was the moment after Natasha called Layla to give her privacy for 10 minutes.

Tony stood up from the chair, exclaims, “Hey! What was that for?!”

Natasha take a seat with a sighed, “Leave their privacy alone. Let them having a moment.”

“But what if this Loki guy trick her to escape the cell?” Bruce question in anxious.

“My brother will never trick Lady Layla.” Thor answered with a serious tone.

Tony glares at him, his protective mode is on, the moment Layla enters the same room with that criminal, “What make you so sure, Point Breaker?”

The Thunder God stares at the floor with an unreadable expressions, “Lady Layla is someone precious to Loki. He will never hurt her.”

Heavy silent fills the room. Tony clenched his fists in somewhat mixed of anger and envious. ‘So, that’s the child Layla has been so fond of?’ Remembering his childhood past, every night Layla told him a story about her live journey and she did mention a precious child she wish to see again..

He remembers her sad smile and her wet face crying silently hidden behind her hands that covered her face, preventing Tony to look at her weak state but nevertheless he noticed.

Just as Steve and Layla enters the room together, Tony caught a glimpse of the captain talking happily with her, who seems to be blushing a little.

“Mommy, didn’t I tell you I don’t want another father? Two is enough.” Tony fake gasps as he talking in an annoying child voice.

Layla freak out, “W-Wha—“

“2 fathers? W-Wait! So Howard Stark was your husband?! And who is the other man?” Steve blurt out in shock.

Tony do the thinking pose, “Well, there this guy with ridiculous powerful mutant—“

Steve’s mind immediately flashback at the memories where Howard talking so loving about Layla like a couple and to think the two of them end up together and having a son… is unexpected. ‘No wonder why Tony sweet talking to Layla and out of his character… is because she is his mother…’ Steve thought in dejected.

“Wait! You got it all wrong!” Layla wave her hands in panicked.

“And what’s this about having a secret god child? Are you cheating on daddy and old man?” Tony shook his head in disappointment, “Never have I thought of having a half-brother…”


Tony ignored her as he continue, wiping his fake tears, "My dearest youngest twin siblings will be sad if they know you love the secret god-child more than them.." He make a fake cry sound. 

"You have another child?!! Twins??!" Steve freakout.

“…you.... married…?” Thor mumbles in horrified before he pulled his blonde hair in dramatic and shriek, “B-BROTHER WILL BE FURIOUS!!”

“It was a misunderstood!!” Layla tried to explain.

“And I thought I was your favorite child…” The ironic iron man added with a fake sob.


And thus, the chaos conquer the room as Layla desperately trying to clear up the misunderstanding situation and Natasha calmly telling Bruce about Layla’s big family.

“Actually, Layla did have two husbands and raising 3 kids…” Natasha explained to Bruce, “…although I never inform that she had another child---“


The black widow smile sheepishly and glance at her situation with a sly smirk, “Sorry…mom.”


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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