Halloween Special: Part 1

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(Author's Note: The events of this special are not cannon to the story. However, some information and the ships are. Thank you.)


  "GET UP BITCHES! ITS FUCKING HALLOWEEN!" Nightmare says screaming down the hall.  I hear thudding and cries of alarm.

  I groan. It took a moment to process what he said, before I spring out of bed. "Halloween! Fuck ya!" I exclaim.

  "Shut the hell up and go back to sleep!" Flowey yells, irritated.

  "Funk that! I'm getting in my costume!" I say to the grumpy flower.

  Ama and Lus appear. "Woop! Woop! Halloween! We've been excited for the party since Nightmare told us about it." Lus says.

  "You two can't even eat any candy or dress up." Dil points out. The two spirits look at him irritated.

  "I may not be able to do anything about the costumes, but I got the candy covered. Two words, Ghost food. I may have taken lessons with Nabstablook.... and then used what I learned to make baked sweets and chocolate. I just never really needed to show anyone though, since only ghosts can eat ghost food." I say, as I'm going into my closet to grab my costume.

  The two of them perk up. "Your the best, Aster!" Lus says.

  "I know." I answer. I walk out with cloths in hand and go into the bathroom.

  "What are you dressing up as?" Dil asks.

  "You'll see." I tell him.


PoV Nightmare

I walk down the hall to everyone's bedrooms. I have an air horn in each hand and four frying pans in my tendrils. I stand at attention and take a deep breath. I let it out.


  "GET UP BITCHES! ITS FUCKING HALLOWEEN!" I scream at the top of my nonexistent lungs.

   I hear thudding and cries of surprise. I smirk, feeling the negativity. Dust slams her door open. I see Blue peaking behind her.

  "The fuck Nightmare! It's like three in the morning! Not even Blue was awake yet! You do this every year!" Dust exclaims. She's wearing a tank top and sleep pants, while blue was in a T-shirt and sleep shorts.

  "You would think we'd be prepared, but he always figures out a way to mix it up." Killer says walking into the hall. He's only wearing boxers.

  "You all are just pussies. I went to bed early and set my alarm to midnight." Cross says opening his door to reveal him in costume.

  "Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Dust asks. Blue squeels.


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