Akaashi set his hand on his chest and rubbed in slow circles. "It'll go away in a moment."

Bokuto held Akaashi's other hand. He couldn't stop his quiet crying so he just burrowed into Akaashi's chest to hide. Akaashi kissed his hair gently, holding him closer.

Bokuto whined slightly. A nurse came in and gave Bokuto some pain medication to help with his discomfort. Bokuto then promptly snuggled up into Akaashi. "There we go. Just go to sleep, okay? Hopefully we can get you home soon. In your bed."


"Your comfy bed, yeah?"

Bokuto smiled tiredly. He kissed Akaashi's knuckles and fell back asleep.

"Are you alright?"

Bokuto tightened his grip on Akaashi's hand.

"He hasn't had any nightmares?"

"No. He's just been fidgety and nervous but also tired. I don't blame him, I've gotten an injury similar to this before because of his biological mother," Bokuto's father stated. "Crazy bitch bashed me in the head with a glass dish. I had to be in the hospital while they fixed me up. He did have hypothermia and drowned for a moment but I'm sure with enough sleep and some treatment he'll be okay."

Akaashi nodded. Honestly he was surprised he wasn't having nightmares. It was common to have them after being attacked by a siren but hopefully some of that went away due to Akaashi being here to guard him.


"Oh there we go son, there we go. Don't lay down too fast or it'll shock you."

Bokuto hummed. Akaashi helped him lift a leg up onto his bed and got on the bed to hold onto his arms. "I'm here Kotarou. I know it's dark but it needs to be for your eyes."

Bokuto huffed softly and held onto Akaashi, shakily getting his other leg up onto the bed. "No phone?"

"No phone. It'll hurt your eyes. And no TV. I can put on music for you though."

"Ooh yeah. Piano stuff." Bokuto coughed. "Where's your hand?"

Akaashi held Bokuto's hand and laid him down. "Be careful. Don't touch the bandages to the pillows or else it's going to hurt."

"I'm so high right now I can barely feel the pillows."

"Kotarou you can't say that in front of your parents."

"Sure I can! I smoke all the time!"

Akaashi groaned. "You're going to get in trouble."

"Damn right. He better be glad he's injured. That should never be in my car Kotarou," Bokuto's mother stated firmly.

"Nope. Just Kuroo's. He let me get high in his car all the time before he you know- sexually assaulted me for no fucking reason."

Akaashi put a finger on Bokuto's cheek. "Shut up."

Bokuto hummed. "I'll go to sleep."

"Good idea."

Bokuto relaxed and Akaashi left the room with Bokuto's parents. "What's this about Kuroo assaulting Kotarou?"

"I- well-"

Bokuto's mother grabbed Akaashi's shoulder. "Akaashi Keiji tell me what happened right now."

"Kuroo forced Bokuto to kiss him after Bokuto had found his grandmother and was left in a vulnerable state. All he had wanted was to cuddle, I have no idea what he Kuroo forced the kiss or why he couldn't handle Kotarou rejecting him."

Bokuto's mother took a deep breath. "Alright. Okay."

"I tried to make sure he's okay. I really did."

"Thank you. Is that why he has been more distant with affection?"

"It is..."

"Have you two even actually kissed yet?"

Akaashi shook his head. He felt ashamed for not being able to heal Bokuto like he needed.

"I understand. Thank you for telling me."

Akaashi nodded. "He did apologize."

"It's not good enough."


Akaashi blushed and ducked back into the room. "Yes?"

"Can you please, please get a frozen dumpling bowl from the kitchen?"

"Sure thing."

"Oh... and Keiji?"


"I need you to use your voice."

Akaashi ran his fingers through Bokuto's hair. "Which one?"


"You know I hate doing that."

"I just need you to help me sleep. I promise that's it." Bokuto took a deep breath and set a hand on Akaashi's arm. "It's been difficult."

"Are you having nightmares?"

Bokuto nodded.

"Alright. I can help." Akaashi kissed his forehead and went to the kitchen. Just the thought of Bokuto having nightmares gave him anxiety. Those nightmares could be anything traumatic like Kuroo's kiss or the attack on him.

Akaashi shook his head and grabbed Bokuto's bowl. He got a fork instead of a set of chopsticks to help him out and went back upstairs. He sat by Bokuto and felt him sit up in the dark. "Thank you."

Akaashi kissed his cheek. "Anything you need."

Bokuto hummed and ate slowly. Akaashi felt him shake and huddled closer.

"I'm here."

Bokuto hummed. "I can't handle anything else."

Akaashi set aside his bowl and sat against the headboard. It was a slow process getting Bokuto into his hold but when he was still and comfortable all was well. Akaashi was quick to whisper to Bokuto as he fell asleep. "I'm here. I promise. Close your eyes and focus on my voice."

Bokuto closed his eyes. He felt a sense of calm wash over him and encase his mind in a blanket of warmth. Slowly, he felt nothing but warmth. The whispers sounded foreign and old, but nothing scary. Akaashi's words were tender and soft, slipping into even his dreams and calming them so that he only had visions of calm waves and ocean breezes.

Akaashi could feel it too, knowing the rare language was able to calm him. It was so old and full of magic that it lacked a name. It was only able to pass the lips of a siren unfortunately but Akaashi would speak like this as long as he needed to. Bokuto was fast asleep because of it too.

He was safe and he was calm, which is all he needed.

Sea Traitor - BokuAkaWhere stories live. Discover now