Picking up an apple from the bowl on the table Aryan took a bite and left not before making faces at her childishly.


" Pipi.. will you go with us too?" Pritha clapped in excitement joined by Vivaan. 

" Oh yes, I will, my doll." Paro pulled her cheeks lightly.

Paro felt her mood was getting better already just being surrounded by her favourite people.

 Both of her aunties along with Bidisha and two little munchkins were enough to confirm she was going to have a great day ahead.

" Where is the driver?" Shefali asked.

" I will drive," Bidisha confirmed. 

Paro looked at her admiringly. Bidisha was the type of girl she always wanted to be. Strong, independent, confident yet kind. Hopefully, she can be one within the next few years. 

Smiling lightly at her she looked through the window as the car drove away toward their destination.

" We have reached". Paro got out of her trance as she saw the car stop near a building. Coming out of the car she looked at the big rustic iron gate at the front. A signboard on the top of it.


written in bold capital letters. She found it ironic that the 'O' of 'HOPE' slightly faded at the upper portion making it look like a smiley emoticon. But found it significant at the same time as this is the only hope for the children playing inside.

" We come here every year on this day. Mom and Shefali aunty arrange an event on this particular day here from their NGO." Bidisha explained. 

" Come inside. Trust me we are going to have a lot of fun." She assured Paro.

Both of them started walking towards the gate and the rest were already inside.


Adi honked the horn as he saw the gate closed. It was a hectic day. He still had some work to do. And also he had to think of a proper plan to approach her. He had a lot to prepare before that.

Adi honked again not seeing anyone. The gatekeeper rushed to open the gate. 

" Sorry, sir. I didn't hear. No one is at home. I thought you would also come later." He said, fixing his gaze on the ground, already afraid that he was gone today.

" Why? Where did they go?" Adi questioned him. 

Before he could reply, Adi heard a different voice. 

" Adi bro, are you not going?" 

Adi looked through the window to see Aryan standing there. His mood went sour just by seeing him.

" Where?" He asked in a cold voice.

" Umm everyone went to the orphanage.  I am going too. So I was wondering whether you will go or not?" Aryan said.

Adi was about to say no when he suddenly remembered what he just said.


' Did she go too? But doesn't she have classes today?" Adi thought in his mind.

" Everyone? I mean bhabi and Pritha too?" Adi asked eagerly.

" Yeah. Mom, Aunty, Bidisha bhabi, Paro…" 

That was enough for Adi to change his decision. 

" I will go. Get into the car." His reply was almost too quick. 

Aryan was startled for a second but soon got into the car without minding much.


Entering the building Adi saw children running everywhere. Someone's laughing, someone's shouting. It was chaotic. There was no way he would have come here after a hectic day if it weren't only for her. 

His eyes roamed everywhere to get a glimpse of her but received only disappointment in return. Adi huffed and walked straight. Suddenly hearing a soft giggle he stopped at his place. The sound was coming from the other side. 

He stopped for a while when he again heard the sound. Turning back he started taking steps in that direction. 

There she was. Holding a baby in her arms she playfully threw her upwards, again taking her back to her chest level. The kid was hardly four years old. He saw how both of their eyes were twinkling in happiness. Their combined sound of giggling spread in the place. 

This was the first time he saw her in ethnic wear. Her long open hair was flying slightly because of her act. 

'Hot'... His subconscious mind stated. 

She was looking like a temptress.

Was she always this beautiful? 

Or on each passing day, he was going crazy? 

Adi saw she started running suddenly to the stairs, putting the kid down on the ground. The kid ran behind to catch her. 

Adi waited patiently till he started following them in slow and steady steps.

" Kids, leave. I have to talk to someone." Adi said in a deep cold voice fixing his gaze on her. 

Paro froze upon hearing the voice. 

The kids ran out of the room immediately, intimidated by him.

Paro started following them when she heard his mocking tone,

" Are you a kid too?" 


We have achieved the target finally (1k+votes). Yayy!! 🤞💕✨

Thanks to all who are supporting the story by reading, voting, commenting, and adding this to your library.

Thanks to all of you ❤️.

I will update another chapter tomorrow.

Take care you all✨


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