Woah! Mashallah! Astaghfirullah!

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Anayah's POV

After parting my way with Aqsa; My bestie. I was very emotional, but my elder bro was there comforting me; as in telling me to calm down! Telling me that In sha Allah (If Allah wills) We will meet again &; soon. Yeah, that's it! What else can you expect from him?! As he is a guy, and guys cannot understand girls. Meanwhile, girls also cannot understand boys! Our mentalities are different, opposite to be exact. The thing is different when they have compatibility... Just as now, we go to the terminal lounge where we'll rest for a few minutes and pray and freshen up. Upon this, my elder brother and sister started fighting! And in the end, they have to listen to me as I'm just a year younger than them. One Says: 'First we'll pray and then rest and then freshen up' and, The other one says 'No, We'll rest, freshen up and then pray!' Twins offo! You'll not get enough of them and you will get tired already!

I interrupted them 'OK, STOP NOW'

At last, we ended up organizing their order in our way. Like I said in my way; 'First, we'll freshen up, pray and then rest'.

After doing all that and rushing to our terminal lounge. In the middle of nowhere, I crashed into a guy. And fell onto the floor, him falling on my opposite side, thankfully not on me ;) He said 'sorry' and got up quickly and held out his hand for me to take it and stand probably! But I just looked at it, replied 'thank you, it's okay' and stood straight on my own. As I'm always against empowering anyone. The guy pulled his hand back awkwardly and murmured something like 'Okay then' and rushed to where ever he was rushing. As I looked around searching for my family, I found them in a line while they were eyeing me with mischievous eyes. I went and joined them with a flushed face, to which my sister reminded me saying: 'Hey, isn't he your ex-batchmate?! You used to have a liking for him right?!'
'Oh yeah, he was?! I didn't recognize him.'- I said looking at where he went just a few minutes ago.
'What? Since when did you know so much about me without myself knowing it?'- I said making a face and looked at her with astonished eyes at her last words.
'Oh. You didn't, my bad; I mistook it then!'
'Of course, you did!'- my elder brother joined in and started to criticize her in my support!
Who said he's bad? I just said he's not too good just normal good!
The long line which I thought was never-ending ended and we showed our tickets and entered the plane.
Our flight was to take 5 hours to reach Al-Ain International Airport as it's going to hold for an hour in a nearby country which I'm not sure about. When I sat in my seat after dealing with my things, upon looking around the plane I noticed half the plane was empty! After 2 hours we were served dinner. And just after half an hour, our plane landed in a country that looked awesome from above. I guess it's Qatar as I saw Qatar's flags on the runway. Within a few minutes, loads of people got in. Meanwhile, I got bored, so started exploring what was on the built-in tv. As I was busy looking at the screen's display. I felt something hit me, and upon looking at it found out it was a backpack. Its owner yelled a 'sorry' quickly and disappeared in the ongoing crowd. I was like 'Seriously! silly guy..' after he went. Time flew and we were in the sky again and this time the lights became dim. And I dozed off. Only to open my eyes to see the plane speedingly landing at Al-Ain International Airport. The scene was just beautiful as it was the time for sunrise in Al-Ain. I was feeling excited and happy that we were coming to Al-Ain after quite a long time! Just in time, when the plane came to a stop. People stood up and rushed towards the door. I was just thinking to stand up and get my lazy self out of my comfort zone. My elder sister and brother beside me started ushering and dragging me to come out and thus, we went towards the plane's exit where the air hostesses were smiling and wishing 'Good morning' to us and went out just as it. Once inside the airport, I heaved out a sigh of happiness on seeing the lavish Al-Ain airport. I was standing there relishing the moment but after that as I looked around to not find my family. I felt worried, and within a few seconds of me getting disturbed due to tension, I found my mother calling me towards the washroom where she was already standing about to go in. This time, I was thankful that my mother always turned behind and checked for me if I'm there or not otherwise I always get irritated. One of the demerits of being the youngest child in your family; your family members especially your mother will be over-protective of you! After finishing the procedures of the emigration and baggage, we were finally led outside the airport towards our car, which was to be driven by my father's friend. As the baggage was loaded into the deck of the car, I was standing a bit further from the car near the made-by-human river. The chilly wind started blowing so I spread my hands in the air to feel it with closed eyes as I loved to do this and there was none here except us that is what I thought until, I heard whispers from a distance and opened my eyes only to find a pair of ocean deep blue eyes gazing into my own. 'So handsome... OMG,' I said in my mind. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around, scared someone might've noticed me looking at him as I ended up saying loudly: 'Woah, Mashallah! And Astaghfirullah!'
My sister being the curious one gave me a 'What and why was that' look. I just shrugged and ran towards the car. Finally entering our home after leaving it in isolation for years brought out many memories. The jet lag was bugging me to sleep again. Gave a helping hand to the family to bring in baggage and went to my bedroom and dozed off soon after changing into comfortable clothes.

Zuhayb's POV

'Hey, there. Assalamualaikum. Zuhayb Anis speaking, who's this?' - I said to the unknown caller id as soon as I picked it up.
'Hi. Walaikumussalam. It's Muhammad Saqib speaking. If you forgot me and don't have my number saved. Then, you won't know who I am.'
'Ohh! Saqib! Sorry man...you are right I don't have your number saved as I changed my phone. But I didn't forget you. That's for sure.'
'Alright, then. Anyways I changed my number so you wouldn't know anyways! Hahhahaha.'
'You fraudster! And you expect me to have your number saved! Nice.. well. What made you remember me?! That you called suddenly with no message.'
'Simply. Why? Can't I speak to you whenever I wish?! Or you were busy?'
'Yeah, dude! The latter one, cause I'm in the UAE airport. Just arrived.'
'Oh...yeah?! Sorry then, should have asked about your whereabouts first. Wait a minute! UAE? I thought you lived in Qatar?'
'Yeah UAE! Because my family is shifting from Qatar to UAE, due to my father's job and my further education. I was so emotional while coming. And guess what I was reminded of our memories just a few hours ago. As our friendship sprouted from there.'
'Ohh! Glad that I called you to know some information about you. Otherwise you? You'll remember then also not call your old buddy! Lazy ass.'
'No, yaar! I had decided to call you after I finish setting up here in UAE.'
'Yeah you only have excuses and after setting up in UAE, you would again forget about me. Only I end up calling you as soon as I remember you.'
'No haan. I wouldn't forget to call you at least I would text. And I also call you, when you don't. You liar!'
'Ok then, Call after you find yourself free. I wanted to talk about something bugging me and relieve myself from a thought causing havoc to me. I contacted you as I believe you're the most appropriate person for discussing it as you are the most sensible one of my friends!  Now, let's see. Who forgets?! You must be tired after the flight journey. We'll catch up later. Assalamualaikum.'
'Ok Inn sha Allah I'll call once I find it in myself to talk with you. We'll see! Yeah, it was a bit tiring. Hmm..we'll catch up with each other's lives. Walaikumussalam' - I hung up on the call and proceeded forward in the emigration line when my sister nudged me by hitting with her trolley on my leg.
I looked back and glared at her. She just chuckled and shrugged it off.
'Mama! Tanaaz just hit me with her trolley for nothing.' - I complained to Mama as I'm her favorite. And Mama gave a smack on her shoulder. Earning an 'ouch' from her.
'Mama. It hurts' -she said to her.
'It hurt me also when you hit me with the trolley' -I said to her.
'Sorry but you didn't hear me when I called'-she said with her eyes turning glossy.
'It's ok! I'm also sorry, then.' -I said and went back towards her and slide a hand on her shoulder, and gave her a side hug. She gave a smile looking at me with her doe-like eyes. I gave a sarcastic smile and went towards my trolley rolling my eyes at her behavior. Oh, girls! I would never understand them. Within a few minutes, emigration was over and we headed towards the baggage counter where all the bags and boxes were being loaded out at the belt. I and my siblings were rushing here and there to find our bags. At last everyone's bags had been loaded into their trolleys except mine. With the last hope of finding my bag, I went towards the place where the bags were loaded onto the belt and at that instant, my bag flopped onto the belt. I was relieved and happily said: Alhamdulillah! And grabbed my bag and placed it onto the 'airport trolley'. Excited, we went towards the exit gate to find our 'Aunt, uncle, and their family' standing with happy faces to meet with us. They received us with immense happiness and welcomed us to 'UAE'. We were to live with them for a week or so until our house would be settled. We went towards their car and I was helping my cousins to load our luggage into the deck of the car. As I just put the last bag onto it and turned after closing its door. I got to view a scene, I haven't seen in my whole life. An abaya-clad girl was standing near the human-made river spreading her arms in the air to feel the wind blowing at speed. In my mind, the song 'Beautiful Hijabi by UC brigante' was playing and at that moment its lyrics and my feelings were alike! The weather was so enchanting that I forgot about the surroundings and was about to take a step near to her when I heard my uncle blowing the horn for me to come and sit in the car and I quickly came back to my senses. Gazed my eyes down from the attractive scene and uttered: 'Woah, Mashallah, Astaghfirullah' out of astonishment! And hurried back to the car and sat inside it when my cousin called my name this time. We went to their house which was located in New Deira in Dubai near its river separating the other. The scenery from the window of the room I had to share with two of my cousin brothers ( Zaid &; Zain), was breathtaking. Like it was so natural and I didn't think in Dubai it would be like this. Although it looked really natural. It had skyscrapers on either of its side. As the reality dawned on me. I realized I was very tired and sleepy, as I didn't sleep on the plane even for an instance because of plane phobia. I asked Zain to show me a place to sleep peacefully and he guided me to the left of the window on a single bed I was thankful as it had plough cushions on it. Just as my eyes closed I slept in deep slumber unaware of the new feelings which built in me at the time.

~Until next time...

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