"You even bruised her legs and arms. You know you didn't have to be so hard!" Donnie added.

"Well it's not my fault she's this pathetic." Raph got up and crossed his arms.

"Dude! That's so not cool!" Mikey said, helping you up.

"Whatever. It was just a waste of energy anyways."

"Hey! You take that back right now!" Leo said, walking up to Raph and pointing a finger at him.

"Or what? Your gonna put your finger up my nose?" Raph retorted.

The both of them kept yelling at eachother as Donnie took a look at my bruises.

"Does anything hurt at all?" He asked, looking at my arms first.

"Not to much, I'll be fine." You sighed. Maybe Raph was right, you were weaker then the others. And you could barely focus when you shot your bow.

"Just ignore what Raph said okay? He thinks he is better than anyone in this world. He will eventually learn to respect you." Donnie said, putting some bandage on your wrist.

"Yeah I know, but it's true. I'm pathetic compared to you four. Your able to run across roof tops and fight against Krang and I'm here who can barely run ten meters."

"You will get better. You just need to wait, and then you'll be out there fighting and kicking Krang butt with us." Donnie said, putting the last bandage on your leg.

"Thanks for patching me up Don." You sigh, rotating your wrist a few times before standing back up.

"No problem. Now if you don't excuse me, I need to talk some sense into the hot head that almost broke your wrist." Donnie said walking off into the dojo.

You watched as he walked in the opposite direction. He's so sweet, how could you not like a guy like him?

You were about to walk out the room when Leonardo suddenly popped infront of you.

"Hey (Y/n). How's your wrist? Does it hurt?" He asked.

"Holly- Leo! Don't scared me like that. And I'm fine, its just bruised a bit." You punched his side lightly, while trying to hide how much it really hurt.

"You sure? If there's anything I can do just let me know alright?" He asked.

"Sure thing. Also, can we have something that's not pizza for dinner tonight? My stomach is getting sick of it."

"I don't know. Mikey has already ordered, guess you'll have to wait till tomorrow." Leo said teasingly.

"Ah man. I swear that's all I can taste anymore, do you guys ever get bored of pizza?" You asked, walking towards the couch to watch TV.

"Nope, much better than what we use to eat. We would go boil moss and worms and add filtered sewer water. And let me tell you, it's much grosser tasting it than looking at it. Pizza is much much better." Leo said, sitting next to you on the couch. A good distance away from you.

You both say on the couch watching space heros. Mikey and Raph joined a few minutes later, while Donnie went back to his lab. Raph would tease Leo for liking a show like this, and Mikey would talk about how Leo has been acting off lately. You paid no mind to it since it wasn't any of your business and just listened to the TV.

The pizza eventually came, and you all went to the kitchen to eat. Donnie talked about his upgrades on his robot Metal Head, Raph would say something to piss him off and Mikey would hold onto the pizza box so he could have the last slice.

You could never be bored with these guys, they were funny and chaotic. Same old brotherly love. After a while April arrived, she had bring her homework to study while Donnie had helped her. You found out that Donnie had a huge crush on her,of course it was kinda a downer but you had to respect his decision. It was her he wanted. Not you.

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