CH:2 Quest

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All of the Xenomorphs looked at one to another. Whispers filled the room. Maya could hear every one of them though it makes no sense since they are all talking.

"I want to go somewhere." Maya smiled and jumped down to the floor.

"That is not possible." 13 said very coldly. "You can't get hurt. You are the empress and will stay here."

Maya looked at 13 questionably. "So you tell me that I have to stay here until I die. Have no more fun anymore?" She smirked.

"Well no..." 13 was puzzled. "I didn't mean it like that." Shredder hit him on the shoulder. 13 looked back at him.

"Niiiccceee." He gave a little chuckle.

"Shut up." 13 hissed at shredder.

Maya watch intently as they has a little brawl. "Anyway, I want to go on the next mission. This mission is going to be a ways from the Hive. But, I want to partake in this." She giggled.

13 and Shredder stood there in silence. The lurkers that were working around the queen stopped and watch.

"I have no objection." The Queen broke the silence. "If she wants to go she can. Only if she takes more than usual to this mission she has in mind."

Shredder gave a little chill and 13 slumped down in defeat. "thank you!!" Maya hugged the queen's leg. "I'm going to have some fun."

She ran towards the exit to the basement. 13 and Shredder following in pursuit. "I think this is a bad idea." 13 whispered to Shredder.

"Why do you think that?" He kept on pace as they went through the tunnel that connected the houses together.

"I just have this bad feeling you know?" He slowed down a bit as Maya walked into the room full of resting aliens. They all looked up at her.

"I have a mission in mind and I want to know who wants to partake in this mission." Maya shouted.

The room was silent for a few seconds then whispered started to float actions the room.

One alien stood up. A lurker that was a newer addition to the Hive. "I want to go!" Aliens around her looked at her. Then more aliens started to stand up.

Zukua walked into the room with Shadow. "You can count us in. You would never do a mission without us right?"

"Never would I leave without you guys! After all you are some of the first additions to the Hive." Maya smiled and put her hands on her waist. "All the aliens that are standing will come with me. I believe this is enough to satisfy some worried aliens." Maya laughed.

13 looked away watching the crowd instead of Maya. Shredder smirked. "Maya knows what trouble she is stirring."

Shredder scooted closer to Maya, but when he did Maya had left the place and started to go through the crowd of aliens. They all wished her good luck or something along the lines.

"Damn it..." Shredder had whispered. "So close." He watch Maya from behind.

"So close to what?" 13 walked over to him. Shredder sat up straight and turned towards him.

"Oh it's nothing." He laughs awkwardly.

13 looked at him closely. "It was about Maya isn't it?" He snarled back his upper lip to show his teeth.

"Hey! She is not yours yet. You can't get mad at me for this. You are too shy to show affection straight in her face!" Shredder puffed out his chest to show manliness.

"Well...." 13 got quiet. "At least I'm not the one that stalks the crap out of her. Last time I knew you were a warrior, not a lurker." 13 smiled big. He knew that he had struck a cord. "Act more like a warrior." 13 walked off towards Maya.

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