
472 6 1

7 days.

Free to be all that you want to be. "

Mary quickly sits up from her bed, catching her breath while looking around her dark bedroom. 

It's her fifth night terror in a week, she doesn't know how she got this sudden night terrors in her sleep. When she thought it was her safe place for a second. 

No person, no place, no mind set is a safe place, she thought.

The first thing she always done is check her phone, which she done. Slowly laying down, she got her phone. '6:28' She read, she woke up before her time, which was way before her alarm.

She's been on a streak lately by waking up early, so early that she could go on her roof and watch the sun rise. If she's not lazy, of course.

Opening her phone and going to messages. She sees no new messages from friends, family members, or weird messages from unknown numbers. So, she decides to text her best friend, Chelsea, to see if she's up.

You up? I got a night terror again.<

Mary knew Chelsea is going to respond a second within closing her phone or getting out of the app, so she waited. By going to instagram, she scrolled through her friends and classmates posts.

She begins to be sad by scrolling through them, half of the pictures she saw is people posing with their wealthy, happy family. 

It wasn't like her family wasn't wealthy nor happy, it just reminded her that she lost her great grandpa last Halloween. 

His death was caused by Michael Myers, she lost him. They were close, every day when she was walking home, she always stopped by his house to say hi and check up with him. She can't do that anymore.

Suddenly, Mary gets a notification from a text message, sent by Chelsea.  "I woke up by my alarm, or say so, Rob." Confusion quickly set the tone, then it hit her. Chelsea slept with Rob Manzor, the most popular guy in town at the moment. 

He's been freshly out of high school and a year older than them. Yeah, Mary's chances of having sex with Rob is low, but Chelsea's are very high. So, she did have sex with him. 

Opening the notification, making her go to messages. She quickly types back.


>Uh yeah. 

>But I don't know if this is gonna be just a one night stand

>I think he actually likes me.

It's not even three months in our senior year, and YOU decide to do your daily sleeping with some older man each year since we were sophomores. <

>Oh shut up, you're just mad that I get more game than you.

Really? So that night when I was fifteen with Patrick doesn't count 'game'? <

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