Leïla and Naël's play

Start from the beginning

All the way to school, Jasmine tenderly held her Dally's hand in hers, kissing it tenderly and lovingly several times

Dally was smiling sweetly at her, he was just so crazy about her

Finally after a few minutes of driving, they finally arrived at school

Leïla and Naël's teacher welcomed them warmly and accompanied them to the gymnasium transformed into a theater for the occasion

In the locker room transformed into backstage, Dally and Jasmine embraced, encouraged and reassured their children

Sherine, Lïana and Aaliyah also encouraged and reassured Leïla and Naël

The twins were really stressed and scared

"It's going to be fine, my loves, you're going to be exceptional, I'm sure of it" Said Jasmine tenderly, tenderly cuddling Leïla and Naël against her and kissing them tenderly on the head

Leïla and Naël nodded gently, cuddling even more against their mother

Jasmine hugged her children even more against her

"You come children, the play will start soon" Said the teacher tenderly

Leïla and Naël nodded and Jasmine and Dally kissed them tenderly again before they follow the teacher

Dally, Jasmine, Sherine, Lïana and Aaliyah went then to settle down happily in the bleachers and waited for the play to begin

Lady and the puppies lay at Jasmine's feet, Dally tenderly, lovingly and proudly held Jasmine's hand in his and kissed it tenderly repeatedly, Aaliyah sat on her mother's lap and hugged her doll to her and Sherine and Lïana were sitting next to their mother

Finally the play started

Moved, Jasmine had tears in her eyes and was so proud of her babies

Leïla interpreted a fairy and Naël a knight

None of the twins forgot their lines and they performed their roles to perfection

Dally and Jasmine were so proud of their children

The play finally lasted an hour and a half and when it was over, Jasmine and Dally went to congratulate their children, accompanied by Sherine, Lïana, Aaliyah, Lady and the puppies

"Mommy ! Daddy !" Leïla and Naël happily ran towards their parents

"My loves" Jasmine tenderly hugged her children against her, kissing them tenderly on the head

Dally also kissed his children on the head

"You have been incredible, my loves, we are so proud of you" Said Dally tenderly

"Is it true ? You liked it ?

- Of course my treasures" Smiled Jasmine tenderly before tenderly kissing Leïla and Naël on the cheek, tenderly taking their faces in her hands

The twins smiled happily and Sherine, Lïana and Aaliyah happily congratulated them as well

Smiling tenderly, Dally and Jasmine, cuddled tenderly against each other, looked at their children with love and tenderness

"Come my treasures, we're going to eat at the Dingo before going home" Said Dally tenderly

Leïla, Naël, Sherine, Lïana and Aaliyah nodded happily, they were overjoyed

Later that evening, Jasmine had just tucked her children into their room and walked into hers

Dally, wearing only boxers and lying on their bed, smiled fondly when he saw her enter

"Our children are asleep ?"

Jasmine nodded tenderly, coming to lay tenderly against her husband

"Yes, they were so happy and had a hard time keeping their eyes open"

Smiling tenderly, Dally tenderly wrapped his arms around his wife, cuddling her tenderly against him, kissing her tenderly and lovingly on the forehead and tenderly stroking her beautiful black hair

Jasmine smiled tenderly, enjoying the caresses and the kiss

"I love you my little angel, I love you so much love of my life" Whispered Dally tenderly, almost inaudibly

"I love you too my love, with all my heart I love you" Whispered Jasmine tenderly, laying her hand tenderly on her Dally's cheek, stroking it tenderly and lovingly with her thumb

Dally kissed then his Jasmine tenderly, burying his tongue tenderly and lovingly in her mouth, before tenderly cuddling his face against hers

Finally, a few minutes later, small moans of pleasure, love and tenderness emanated from their room

They were definitely the happiest in the world, forevermore

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now