May We Meet Again

Começar do início

"Try not to destroy my house, Allyson."

She gave me a what the fucklook.

"There is a mass killer in here. Breaking your house is the least of my worries."

I wanted to shoot her so badly, but I kept my cool. Creaking could be heard from upstairs. As we went up the stairs, a record player could be heard playing a song. I was in the very back, behind Cameron and Allyson. Allyson went into the room with the music, taking a look around. I stood against the doorway, watching Cameron walk over to the closet. He stopped and started to freak out. Blood was dripping onto his gun and when he looked up he saw Loonie's dead body stuffed between the attic stairs and top wall, not being able to fully close.


His voice squeaked out as he called to his dad. Great, let the police deal with this mess. Because I wasn't touching it. Michael could bloody our house up as much as he wanted. It didn't really bother me anymore. All of a sudden, the closet doors slammed open, and Michael came out, heading straight towards Cameron. He yelled bloody murder and backed up my way, bumping into me and pushing me straight towards Michael. He walked straight into me, throwing me to the side. Michael grabbed Cameron's neck and he tried firing at him but ended up missing and hitting me instead.

The bullet pierced my shoulder, going straight through. At least it didn't get stuck in my skin. I should be fine. Michael showed no hesitation as he pushed him against the wall, knocking his breath away. He then grabbed his knife and stabbed him in the stomach. I could hear Allyson calling out. She must have heard all the noise.


Michael pulled his knife out and stabbed him again. Allyson came out of the room beside them, and I went over, pushing the gun away as it went off. Taking it out of her hands, I threw it in a random direction. Allyson pulled a knife out on me, trying to stab me. As Michael let go of Cameron, he fell to the floor. Then he grabbed Allyon's neck, slamming her head onto the railing and threw her down the stairs. I heard a loud snap as Allyson started yelling out in pain.


Obviously, Cameron isn't dead just yet. Looking over at his body on the ground, he had his hand wrapped around the knife and pulled it out from his stomach. Before he could reach the gun laying beside his head, I stomped on his hand, making him let go. Michael grabbed his hair and threw him carelessly across the floor. Allyson kept shouting out for Cameron. I watched as Michael grabbed Cameron's head, slamming it against the railing, making it break. His head was sticking out. Using his strength, Michael forced his head up and down repeatedly.

Looking down the stairs, Allyson got back up and held out her knife.

"Come and get me, mother fucker! Come and get me."

All that was left was Allyson. I could kill her right now if I wanted to with my gun. But, now wasn't the time. Her end would come later. Michael stood in front of me now.

"You first, Michael."

I allowed him to go down the stairs before me. Allyson stood her ground as Michael walked down the steps, stopping at Cameron, taking one look at him.

"Leave him alone!"

Michael grabbed Cameron's neck and twisted it. I could hear the crack it made when it snapped. He then looked back at Allyson and continued down the steps. Allyson tried to stab him, but Michael was too quick grabbing her wrist. He twisted her hand, making her bring the knife to herself.

"Do it. Do it!"

She looked back at me while she yelled. From in front of the entrance door, Karen came running in with a pitch fork, stabbing Michael in the back. I knew he would be fine. Karen pushed Michael to the floor and took out the pitch fork and stomped on his head. I stayed back a little so she wouldn't see me. She took his mask off, backing out the door as he got back up, facing her.

Michael Myers x  Female ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora