Chapter Ten

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   It had been a week since Gareth had confessed his feelings to Andy. They had been hanging out more and Gareth's hellfire friends had started to notice, Eddie and Gareth never really talked about what he told Eddie. However Eddie had put two and two together, he figured Andy was 'the boy' Gareth spoke about.

   After a long night at hellfire, everyone was heading home in the pitch black. Eddie held Gareth back, no one seemed to notice, "Gareth, can we talk?" He asked quietly, Gareth nodded in return and followed his friend back into the club room.

   Eddie sat down in the dungeon master chair and placed his hands on the table, trying to find the words he needed.

   "Gareth... I want you to know that I accept you, I mean you've been my friend for as long as I can remember. I'm not losing you because of one little thing, you mean so much to me. You've always accepted me, even though I'm different and difficult to be around," Eddie took a breath, but before he could continue Gareth stood up.

   Tears were pricking at Gareth's eyes and he wrapped his arms around Eddie and hugged him tight, "thank you," he whispered, smiling.


The next day as Andy and Gareth were walking to school together Gareth thought to mention the conversation he had with Eddie to Andy, he decided not. He was too afraid Andy wouldn't like the fact he knew about them.

Gareth wondered if Eddie knew it was the basketball jock that he liked, maybe he had just assumed. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his name, "Earth to Gareth?" Andy questioned waving a hand in front of his boyfriends face, "where here,"

Andy was chuckling when Gareth looked up at him. They were at Hawkins high's main entrance, the big doors were wide open as students shuffled in talking and shouting at their friends. A hand grabbed Gareth's shoulder and took him behind the school.

The two boys stood behind the school, Andy looking around and Gareth in question.

"What is it?" the shorter boy questioned, he started looking around as well then his eyes landed on Andy who took a step closer. He leaned in and kissed Gareth on the cheek before leaving him stunned still standing there.

He turned around watching the Jock walk away, Andy turned around and shouted back to Gareth, "Bye! Have a good day!" he winked and then disappeared around the corner.


It was lunch as well as the only day of the week when the Hellfire club didn't meet up during break. Gareth pulled out his Walkman and loaded up his Megadeth cassette. He sat down outside on a picnic bench and tapped out the rhythm of his favorite song.

   Eddie jumped down beside him, "Judas Priest?" he questioned pointing at Gareth's walkman.

"Close... not really, it's Megadeth," he smiled and took his headphones off and placed them around his neck, "how's it going?" Gareth questioned.

"Fine, fine," Eddie smirked and continued, "so.., mr. basketball huh?" he said the last bit quieter making sure no one could hear them.

It took a minute for the drumber to process what he had said, "wh- where did you get that from huh?!" Gareth's face was heating up as he panicked.

"Cool it, I saw you and him go behind the school, you were either in for a beating or of course, you're a thing?" Eddie shoved Gareth's shoulder and smiled.

"Ok, yeah we are..." Gareth whispered, "... we sound like little girls!" he laughed and so did Eddie.

They smiled at each other and sat in silence enjoying each others company, the two of them always had a brotherly bond and Gareth was infinitely happy that that didn't change after Gareth came out. 

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(Sorry I forgot to add this at the end before :') I was at my grandparents, but have an awesome day :DDD 

Nothing More | Andreth | Andy X GarethOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora