Volume 2: Chapter 3 Part 5

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All the girls grabbed the rope, grips tight and ready to tug it towards them.


Both the third year Class A students and Haruka and the girls began pulling on the rope, trying their hardest to tug it towards them. At the moment, the rope barely moved in either direction, going to show that everyone was indeed tugging as hard as they could.

Soon the third year girls began to pull even harder, intending to gain the upper hand in the battle. Seeing this, Haruka, who was at the front of her team, turned her glance to look at them and nodded, resulting in the other four nodding back at her.

[We'll start slow and make this look like we're not strong enough to win.]

As the third years kept putting in more strength to pull the rope, Satou, who was at the back of the five girls, began to loosen her grip on the rope, followed right by Mori who was just in front of her. The Class B girls began losing their stand as they were starting to be dragged towards the pit.

Seeing this, the third year girls began to get more confident at winning this event so they put even more strength into pulling, which actually began to tire them out. However, that didn't matter as the pull was enough to bring Haruka even closer to the pit. Matsushita had put less strength into gripping the rope.

Haruka and Kei were the only girls left who had complete strength and grip on the rope, which wasn't enough to bring them out of losing. The confidence present in the third year girls was enough to allow them to continue pulling harder despite their tiredness from trying really hard already. Were these girls really that unathletic?

The third year girls looked at Haruka, Kei and the others with smug looks, knowing full well that they were going to win this Tug of War event. However, to their complete and utter surprise, instead of seeing some scared or defeated look, the third year girls witnessed Class B, more specifically Haruka, evilly smirk at them.

They had to wonder what Haruka's smirk meant, but they didn't have enough time to think about it too much as both Haruka and Kei loosened their grips and lowered their strength. Unsurprisingly, this resulted in the two of them being dragged to the pit. The flag that was in the middle of the rope over the pit finally crossed onto the third year's side, indicating their victory.

"Game over for Lane 3! Winners are Third Year Class A!"

The teacher announced just before Haruka was thrown into the pit. She sighed and moved back to join the other girls who were just making their way to sit out and wait for the other games to finish.

"Hey! What was with that smirk you gave us!? Are you mocking us by losing on purpose!?"

However, one of the third year girls called out to her just before she was about to leave. Haruka turned to glance at the girl and saw her wearing somewhat of an angry expression. She appeared annoyed by what Haruka had done earlier during the game.

Haruka faced her and replied.

"What are you talking about? You won fair and square. You were quite strong, stronger than my class so you managed to win. Why are you complaining about that?"

"You-! You're definitely mocking us! Is that what this Ayanokouji guy told you to do!?"

"Nothing like that. Anyway, you won so take your victory. If we're done here, I'll be going."

Haruka left the annoyed third year girl and joined Kei and the others who were sitting nearby. She sat with them, waiting for the next round to begin.

"What did that third year want to talk with you about, Haruka-chan," Satou asked her immediately when Haruka sat down.

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