Goodman's Mansion

Goodman: Alright! You two! Your job is taking care of Richard and Ben and don't let them misbehave while I'm gone! Got it?

Shrek: I got it sir!

Woody: Chewy Boy! This is gonna be easy! And what about the old guy you had?

Goodman: Oh! He's gonna be the pilot of my cool-looking plane!

Chives: what about the spaceship you had?

Goodman: We're not using it today!

Chives: I see, alright. I'll see you on the plane!

Goodman and Chives left the house to fly off to France in their own plane.

Shrek: Why do I have to be the babysitter here?! Ugh...I just wanted to go back to my swamp, that's where I lived now.

Woody: Wait you were kicked out?

Shrek: Yup, I crapped myself way too much, on a couch.

Woody: Alright, let's see who we got here!

Shrek: Hey! Kids! Get over here!

Richard: What is it? Hey! Who the hell are you two?!

Woody: We're your babysitters!

Richard: Ew! I don't want a fat green guy and a guy cosplaying as a wild west looking dude here!

Woody: Kid, that's not nice at all!

Shrek: Yeah! You're lucky that I don't have diarrhea today!

Woody: Shrek, you take care of the baby upstairs, while I'm gonna take care of this kid here!

Shrek: Got it!

Shrek went upstairs and into Benjamin's room.

Benjamin: Who the hell is that thing?!

Shrek: The baby can talk?!

Benjamin: Yeah I can talk! Now give me something for me!

Shrek: Ok! What do you want for?

Benjamin: Money! I want money!

Shrek: You sure?

Benjamin: Shut up and give me one now! Wah!

Shrek: Ok, geez! I'll get money for you!


Woody: Well, at least our job is done! Now we just have to clean up the whole place and-

Suddenly, Goodman was teleported inside his mansion!

Goodman: Phew, finally. I'm home. What-

Goodman saw his mansion is now messed up!


Shrek: Did you just teleport?!

Woody: We were gonna clean up the whole place!

Woody: Great, now we're banned from babysitting any kids again!

Shrek: Well that's for the best.

Woody: What are we gonna do now?

Shrek: Hold on! Since Goodman said we were banned from babysitting his kids not all kids in this town, that means we can still babysit other kids!

Woody: Really?! That's awesome! Come on! Let's find more kids to babysit!

Shrek: Why did I tell Woody about this?

SML Movie 3: Return to Equestria (Original) 

SML: A New Generationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें