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Wildcats dart between ferns,

Dappled pelts gleaming.

Toucans caw out,

Large beaks clicking.

The butterflies flit about,

Silently gathering nectar.

Kinkajous slurp nearby,

Tongues like stick pink snakes.

Waterfalls shimmer and shine

In the midday light.

Fish leap out of their pools,

As do river dolphins.

Large trees loom,

Canopies of green

Casting shadows of beauty

Green ferns rustle...

Jaguar, power of the Jungle,

Prowls among the nervous chatter.

Draco lizards zip for cover,

Wild pigs squeal in terror.

Tigers growl challenges,

Jaguar dismisses them.

The Orangutan yowls,

Jaguar hisses.

Balance is in order.

Predators hunt prey,

Traps snare.

Eggs hatch,prey falls.

I stand on the border,

Knowing what I do.

I drop my hack and map.

Why disturb the Balance

Of this Jungle?

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