Farem Park

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Alex Pov

How could he do that?!?! Really close to believing that happy endings and your Prince actually do exist... Well I was wrong . . . dead wrong. Why because apparently, I'm a slut opening my legs to any male that is available to me.


I actually was starting to consider giving him a chance. NOW, I don't think so after him yelling at me and treating me like I'm his!!! All that crap talking about were made for each other I guess was bull. Sighing I went inside my car and started to go to the park. Maybe meeting with Danny will distract me of HIM. After 8 minute drive, I parked my car and got out and sat at the swings nearby.

I guess I got lost in thought before my phone rang. Scarying the crap out of me in the process. You know thoughs minny heart attacks? That happened, I then answered the phone.

*Were are you at? I'm here.*

" At the swings."

*Ok be there in little while.*

"See you then."


I closed my phone and put it in my pocket. Swinging and looking at the sky and thinking about my situation. After three minutes I felt someone push me from behind. I looked back and it was Danny boy. I smiled he's to adorable and he started to blush.

"Hey." I said before looking forward and closing my eyes and relaxing.

"Good, umm I'm sorry it went down that way it did, I feel like it's my fault."

Dragging my feet to the ground to stop myself. I turned around and look at him. The poor boy thought it's his fault? He probably thinks everything his fault cause of the damn bullies.

"It's not your fault ok. What happened was a whole misunderstanding ok all that crap was because of his idiot ass Damon. If your blaming yourself stop ok it wasn't." I said sternly like I was telling a child no.

" ...ok." He said looking at the floor.

I smiled and messed up his hair. It's like he's a little brother he's to incent for his own good. He chuckles and swats my hand away fixing his hair. I laugh and turn around.

" Now push me bruuhh!" I giggle.

He laughs and says ok. After about 15 minutes I forgot why I was mad. I was just having a good time and talking to Danny. We were talking about everything so we can know each other better. I found out his favorite animal is wolf like mine. His favorite color is green and his favorite band is Green Day and singer from Maroon 5.

We were having a blast before theses bastards came. The bullies who bully my now bff hell to NO...I'll shank them with my spork. Three guys who are walking our way. One red hair and two blondes. Obviously the red is in the middle and I guess he's the leader. Danny stopped pushing me but I kept swinging they are not going to mess with me. I swear or Danny I'll make them pay I know some karate. I'll knock his ginger ass down!!! I hear Danny boy say those are the three who always bully him because he's gay.

The ginger one starts talking.

"You know he's a faggot right? Come with us babe we'll show you a good time." His friends laugh and started to wink and check me out.

"Nahhh I don't want gingivitis, I heard that's painful." I look at him bored and continued swinging. That got him so pissed off he started to get red. His so called friends are laughing so hard right know making him furious.

"I'm not a ginger...it's paint." He said slowly pissed off, like trying to stay calm.

"Who you trying to convince? And it's dye...not paint mijo (son)." With a blank face I say. Really I wanted to burst out laughing because he got so red he camouflaged with his hair right now.

" SHUT UP BITCH YOU'RE PROBABLY A FAGGOT LIKE HIM!!! " His friends finally stopped laughing and agreed with him.

Him name calling me names was fine him calling my bff wasn't going down with me. Since he stopped 8 feet away from me where I was swinging. That gave me an idea. You know when you're on top and you jump? That's what I did I jumped and kicked his ginger ass down. I knocked his air out and I put my foot right on top of his jewels. I could step ANY moment now. But I want to get something straight to his stupid ass head first.

"If I'm a faggot so what? Is that your problem not in anyway does it effect you? Does it effect your breathing? Answer me!!!" I slightly start stepping on his pathetic marbles.

He shakes his head no petrified like he's about to shit his pants any moment. His face ghostly white scared what I can do to him right now. He knows what I can do to him.

"Does it effect your health in any way?"

Shakes his head no

"Does it effect you in any fucken way!?!?"

Shakes his head furiously.

"Then shut your mouth. Before I shut it for you and watch yourself next time. And if I hear from my Danny boy you're still not leaving him alone. I will FIND you. Understand... Gingivitis?"

He whimpers and nods yes when I step on his marbles before getting off of him. Looking at his friends I death glare them before walking backwards to the swings. They shrink in fear and run way. Gingivitis stands and runs away after them. I smile and sit down and look at Danny boy next to me whose eyes looking at me amazed.

"Danny boy push me!" I chuckled at his face before poking his stomach.

"What just HAPPENED."

I look at his eyes at yell out.

"I kicked gingivitis ass!!!" I laughed out loud.

"OMG I love you you right now!!" He rushes to me and hugs me. I laugh and hug him and push him off me.

" Now push me Danny Boy."

He smiles and says yea and starts to push me. After a couple seconds Tony comes out of no where. He fricken teleported!!

" Girl remind me to not get at your bad side. You were awesome!! "

"He went out of line I was teaching him a lesson in life." I smirked at him. He laughs and looks at Danny then freezes and looks at him like he's his God....

Ohhh wait didn't Damon said until you make eye contact you confirm it's your mate or something? Aaawwww Danny boy is to cute he's blushing and then looks down. Tony smirks and checks him out.


Tony's Pov.


I'm 21 and I've been waiting for my mate over 5 years. It's not of heard off you might have the same gender as a mate. It's not look down or anything a mate's a mate.

And I'm I glad to have found mine.

Raven my wolf is purring the site of our mate. He's dirty minded but I don't mind he's our mate. I smile and look at him and then check him out he's ours.

"My name is Tony. What's your name?"

He looks up still blushing. He whispers Daniel but he says he's called Danny. My Danny.

"Danny...it's good to meet you." I smile when he shivers when I say his name. Good to know he feels the mate bond. It'll be easier for us to speed up the process because I want to mark him NOW. But I got to stay calm and not freak him out.


I'm sorry!!!! But here you go my DUCKIES!!!!

And shout out to Carla you know who you are!!!

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