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The ghost of Halloween's past have not lain themselves to a peaceful rest..
The bonfire, the masks, the scarecrow and beloved dead dancing through the night..
On Halloween Eve you may not hunting as you may wound as a wandering spirit..
Beware of the dead as they give you a fright..

Dear all Hollow's Eve Night that praise by everyone..
Sweet spirit, as you walk among us at the toiling of this eve..
I see your face beyond the sunset and hear your voice upon the breeze..
A moment, then we stand United palm to palm while waiting there..

Same like Cactus thorn that hurts my hand..
Our love being seperate by the hand of dead..
As tumbleweed rolling so does time, unstoppable and keep tortured..
I'm nothing without you in my hand..

Every music I've heard reminds me of you..
Every anthem I've listen make me see you..
For every noise I've learn from every language make me falling more to you..
With every spooky, fright and eerie night make me Hypnotized with you..

I miss you the most upon Samhain..
We share these hours until the dawning..
Then bid farewell until next year..

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