Chapter 1

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'Could it be?!!' Thought Hiruzen as he watched the baby open itms cerulean blue eyes and laugh happily at the shocked expressions of everyone looking at him. "It seems young Naruto-kun has awakened Mokuton." Hiruzen spoke.

4 Years Later-
A small child with sun-kissed blond hair and cerulean blue eyes entered the park with his caretaker and nurse, Kuki Michida. Four other children looked at the blond haired child with curiosity. 'That must be Uzumaki Naruto. Father told us to befriend him if we see him.' Thought a boy with black pineapple shaped hair. He held a laid-back expression on his face and his body language matched with his facial expression.

"Hey, Shikamaru, isn't that Naruto-kun? Our dads told us to befriend him right?! He's so cute!" A platinum blonde exclaimed as she frantically spoke to the boy now known as Shikamaru. "My mother told me to befriend him as well." A pink-haired girl said meekly. "Let's go then!" Exclaimed the platinum blonde girl as she dragged Shikamaru along.

The pink haired girl followed after her friends with a chubby boy with brown hair and swirls on his cheeks following the girl. "Michida-nii. Some kids are approaching us. Three of them look like kids of the Nara, Yamanaka and Akimichi clans, and that pink-haired girl looks like Mebuki-ossan. Could that be their kids?" Asked a young blond boy. He wore a white long sleeved shirt with the Uzumaki clan symbol on the back, he also wore black shorts with bandages on his calfs. The boy had two black weapon pouches tied on his bandages.

The boy was shown to be on guard at all times, showing he was already progressing in taijutsu training. "Hey! Are you Uzumaki Naruto?" Asked the platinum blond as she approached him. "Yeah, judging the fact you approached me, shows you must be clan children, I can see and sense that you three are from the Yamanaka, Akimichi and Nara clans. You, your chakra scent is familiar to that of a civilian. And you look like Haruno Mebuki. So you're Sakura. I don't know the rest of you." Naruto stated.

The four looked at him shocked. "Well, I'm Yamanaka Ino. The lazy boy is Nara Shikamaru and the fat boy is Akimichi Chōji." Spoke the platinum blonde, now known as Ino. "You're the daughter of Yamanaka Inoichi. You're the son of Nara Shikaku and you're the son of Akimichi Chōza. nice to meet you." The blond said as he smiled toothily at the four other children.

"Michida-nii. Can I play with them?" Asked Naruto as he looked at the exprienced medic. "Hai Naruto-kun." Spoke the nurse as she smiled down at him. These past four years, everyone taking care of Naruto had grown close to him, likewise for the blond boy to his teachers and caretakers.

2 Hours Later-
After 2 hours of playing, Naruto's nurse, Michida, decided to take Naruto back. Safe to say he had made a great impression on the four children, and to know three of them were clan children and one was the daughter of the head representative of the civilian council, he was already making a good impression on important figures of Konoha.

"Now Naruto, it's time to start your fūinjutsu training." Spoke an old man who appeared before the nirse and the said boy when they reached the massive mansion. "Hai Haru-jisan." Naruto said as the man smiled at Michida. "Let's go. Sorry Michida-chan." apologised Haru as he lead Naruto inside. Michida smiled and entered the mansion, going to the kitchen and grabbing ingredients to cook with.

Naruto and Haru entered a study with multiple books and scrolls on the shelfs. The sensei grabbed a book from the table and handed it to Naruto. "First off, you're going to have to review the basics and introduction to Fūinjutsu. This book was written by your grandfather, Kurouzu Uzumaki, Kushina's father. Most books and scrolls in here were written by the Uzumaki Clan, I've gathered everything in Konoha relating to the Uzumaki Clan and brought them here, in a few weeks, we'll be taking a trip to Uzu to gather some lost information and hopefully some instruments to help you train." Haru explained as his pupil nodded.

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