┊27. Coping mechanism

Start from the beginning

I stay silent.

One minute.


Jayden starts again. "You know how hard it is watching you starve yourself, knowing that you're to damn stubborn to let me help you? Or how hard it is to listen to you cry at night knowing that I can't help? You're hurting the people around. Ever consider that?"

He gets off of my bed and walks out my door without saying another word.

I turn to look out my balcony window.

It's dark.

I stand up and walk over to my bathroom cabinet, grabbing out the melatonin bottle and dumping some in my hand. Swallowing them down with some water, I head back to bed.

Slipping under the covers, I kiss Simba and Milo before letting the darkness suck me in.

Whatever nightmares I get are well deserved.

Whatever nightmares I get are well deserved

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"Love you too." I mumble, shoving the last of my clothes into my suitcase. Mom is coming back tomorrow. And although I'm still not sure why she made us stay with the neighbors, I'm so fucking glad it happened.

"Almost ready?" Elsie asks. I nod, not say a word as I zip up my suitcase.

Elsie gets mysterious look on her face. "Why are you so upset? Going to miss your girlfriend?" I glare at her. "Shut up. I'm not even upset."

Elsie shrugs. "Ok, so you're totally ok with going back home to see dad once summer break starts?" Absolutely not.

"I'm not going back to L.A. And no, it's not because of Bel-Izzy." I reply.

Her being here is just a bonus.


Looking outside I'm meet with one singular star.

That one star represents the last hour of my day.


We were all eating dinner, and by we I mean just us guys. Elsie didn't want to eat and Bella wasn't answering her door.

I offered to take something up for her but before any could respond Bella's mom walked in, obviously drunk.

And she was a mess.

Mascara smudged on her eye lids, her clothes dirty, and her hair was so knotted it looked like a literal bird's nest.

But by the look on Jayden's face, this wasn't weird. In fact, he looked prepared for it. Like he knew that it was coming.

After we ate we all went up to our rooms without a word. And that all leads to where I am now; on the back patio smoking a cigarette that I shouldn't even have.

I don't even remember how it all started. I guess the drinking and smoking is just a coping mechanism.

At least that's how it started.

**✿❀ ❀✿**
Chapter: 27
Words: 932
posted: 11/10/2022 3:19 pm

**✿❀ ❀✿**Chapter: 27Words: 932posted: 11/10/2022 3:19 pm

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Totally forgot to update lol. Hope you're having a good day.

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Thank you so much for giving my story a shot!

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