Mt lady: YOU DID IT!!!

(Mt lady said pulling Saitama into a hug, she then looked at saitama with a smile jntill she realized what she was doing)

Mt lady: OH-oh sorry sai.....

(She said dropping him, sai was a nostalgic nickname originally given to him by give. Made him nostalgic and kinda liked it. Which is why he didn't say anything about it. Mt lady was blushing while saitama gave her a confident smile)

Saitama: we should celebrate!

(Mt lady ran to the phone and arodered food to celebrate)


(A apartment complex stood run down old and falling apart. The windows where broken and pieces the fence where about to fall off, noamosa and kenji walked up to the door and knocked on it)

*knock* *knock*

(After a while they heard the sound of the door knob turning, opening the door both detectives took of there hats and placed them on there chest)

Kenji: h-hello there gran torino sir.

Noasama: it's a pleasure to meet you grand torino.

(The old man seemed confused at why there are 2 police man standing on his door)

Noasama: may we come in.

10 minutes later....

(All three where drinking tea. It was quiet untill the old man decided to talk)

Torino: alright, so what brings you two gentlemen here.

(He said taking a sip of his tea)

Kenji:....well.....we first wanted room ask you....something.

(Gran torino brought down his cup of tea)

Torino: go ahead.

(Kenji knoded to noasama who took out a document from his suitcase, he unfolded it and took out papers)

Noasama: do you recognize this man.

(He said passing the picture of saitama to torino, he looked down at the picture. An odd sense filled the elderly man, but he brushed it off) I...I can't say I do.

(Kenji looked over to noasama)

Noasama: seemes you both are blood related.


(Spitting his tea grand torino eyes widen)

Torino: w-what!

(Both detectives wiped rhe tea from there suits)

Kenji: it may sound unbelievable but we did multiple test and they came out to match yours....

(Grand torino slowly placed his cup of tea down, he was dumbstruck)

Torino: I-I have a family member?

(Both detectives didn't know what to say, before they could Torino quickly grabbed the papers)

Torino: S-Saitama......hes 25.....

(Both detectives stood up)

Noasama: I understand this is to much to take in so we will let ourselves out.

Kenji: we appreciate the tea.

(Both detectives waved and left, Torinos eyes where glued to the one picture of saitama, he had no expression on his face, outside the detectives get into there car)

The Not So Caped Baldy (opm x mha)Where stories live. Discover now