19: 3 Unexpected Things

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A/N: Yo yo yo wazzeup? I just got back from a 4 day vacation and I got some goooood inspiration ;) hehe. It shifted my mood to 180 degrees! HAHA. Hope you guys like this update! Bring lots of love~~ Saranghae! Didn't need to edit this because it was okay~



Kay's POV

My parents already came back home from China 2 days ago and what they told me had really shocked me.

"EXO is going to go back to Korea." Mom and dad told me while they were seated on the couch opposite of me. We were in our family room which is private, no one can enter except for the family themselves.

I rejoiced silently, not letting my happiness show. When I'll tell Vi and the other two about this, they are so gonna freak! Haha

"Yo Vi!" I screamed once I got in my room. The three were lying down on my bed and a laptop placed in front of them. They're faces had shock written all over them which made me quiver. That is so not their normal face.

"Yah. What's wrong?" I said and laid beside Candy, turning the laptop a bit to my side so I could see.

It was on Twitter and there was one certain name that caught my eyes and made them widen a fraction larger. Jared Kim

Woaaah~ he's back already? Jared is a close friend of mine who sort of, almost got us kidnapped when we were 12. Weird, but the kidnappers brought us to Germany. They said they wanted money and only money

I still couldn't believe him of what he had done that day. He left me there. Starving, scared, angry, confused and dehydrated in the dark with no one to talk to or to accompany. He escaped and didn't even bother to help me escape with him.

I guess I would also do that if I'd be the one to escape and will call for help. I got released 2 weeks after. Since the day we got kidnapped, our parents never let us see each other and even though I still wanted to see him, he was still an arrogant bastard to me.

So, after graduating Middle School and becoming more responsible, we were destined to see each other yet again. But the ironic and dangerous part of our meeting was that, he was diagnosed of Dissociative Identity Disorder. He got it after being kidnapped and trapped in that horrible place.

I was also diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder for about a year and a half. I refused to reveal it to anyone but Jared, Vi, Candy and Ace. These four were able to help me conquer it and we also help Jared with his illness. Jared lasted with it for about 3 years.

I was terrified by myself that I could do such things when my moods change. Of course, I didn't let myself get angry and whenever I'd have my day of the month, boy everything was in chaos.

After all of those drama, may parents stood still in the top richest people in Korea after giving a sum of 4 million to the people who kidnapped us. Jared was Korean-American and his parents were rich too.

Back to reality. I scanned Jared's posts that were awfully filled with corny jokes and pick-up lines. Most of his posts had pictures of him returning to America. His style still hasn't changed. Blonde hair always suited him and he had a lean american face.

I was wondering why Vi, Candy and Ace were reacting so weirdly after seeing this. Well, let's say that Ace and Candy liked the guy but their feelings vanished after they met Kpop. After a few scrolling, I suddenly remembered the news from earlier.

"Hey guys..." I said softly as I faced the three of them who were doing different things on my bed. They raised their heads and responded with hums and yeah's. I faced my attention back to the laptop.

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