12. Wrong... Right

Start from the beginning

"You must stop accepting ravens.' Alice teased and Ned couldn't help but chuckle. Had he never told Alice her father wanted her home, if he sent the guards away perhaps Alice wouldn't have went home and eventually married Petyr. But she still wouldn't be his but at least she wouldn't be so far away. Petyr felt out of the loop as Alice and Ned shared a smile.

"You are probably right about that but Catelyn... Paul requested us back-' Ned went on

"Paul was your accountant." Alice recalled.

"Alice is very good at math, does all the books." Petyr remarked. "A true Godsend this one. I haven't found anything that my Alice can't do." Petyr went on as his hand rested on her thigh his thumb stroking the fabric of her dress, Alice smiled back at him as Robb was licking his plate clean.

"I don't doubt that." Ned agreed. "Alice was always remarkable."

"My Alice certainly is." Petyr said leaning over and kissing her, Ned couldn't help but notice how Petyr said My Alice. My. His. Not Ned's. Petyr's Alice. Ned cleared his throat as he took another drink.

"-and we have already spent longer here than we thought we would already." Ned went on as Jon yawned.

"Someone's tired." Alice remarked.

"No I'm not." Jon said hiding another yawn.

"Thank you for dinner Alice, as always you out did yourself." Ned remarked helping clear the plates.

"Thank you. I love cooking, I'm really glad you all could come and stay for this long... I miss you all." Alice told him as Petyr finished his glass.

"We have missed you." Ned told her hugging her tight.

"Then let me help you get the boys back to bed for the night." Alice offered.

"Could you sing us a song?" Robb asked. "Like you used to."

"You remember that?" Alice questioned.

"I don't remember the words." Robb admitted. "But I remember it was something about a mockingbird and I know the tune." He hummed it a bit and Petyr couldn't help but smile. They were destined to be together.

"Now Auntie Alice's sigil is a mocking bird.' Jon declared pointing at Petyr's pin.

"That's right." Petyr agreed his fingers going to his pin.

"Come on, I will walk you back. Petyr I will meet you back home." Alice offered.

"Alright love." Petyr agreed kissing her again as Jon clung to her legs.

"You are tired, you can't keep your pretty little eyes open." Alice remarked picking Jon up. The walk was silent as they got them back to their chambers. Alice tucked the boys in as Ned leaned against the door.

"The mockingbird song." Robb requested.

"Did you know you would marry Petyr?" Theon asked.

"No... but I will tell you something, Petyr has been my best friend for years and sometimes marrying your best friend is the best person for you. They already know everything about you and love you for your flaws and all." Alice told them.

"What flaws?" Ned remarked and Alice smiled back at him biting her lip.

"Auntie Alice is going to buy you a mocking bird and if that mocking bird don't sing, Auntie Alice is going to buy you a valaryian steel sword and if that sword don't shine auntie Alice is going too..." she looked down at their smiling faces and couldn't help but envy what Catelyn and Ned had. A family, children. She wanted kids. She wanted this, tucking them in and telling them stories and singing them songs.

"What do little boys want most in the world?" Alice asked blinking away the tears of what she could never have.

"You." Ned whispered.


"You don't have to leave." Alice reminded ned as they walked. "You could stay with the boys forever. I wouldn't mind."

"I love you for that. For loving them." Ned clarified.

"I love them." Alice agreed. "I love you too Ned." Alice informed him. "I'm glad the boys and Sansa have you."

'Alice... I wonder if you stopped Petyr's world like you did mine just now and, I'm sorry if I'm over stepping boundaries, I don't mean to be, but I've just got to tell you how I feel.' Ned began and Alice paused turning to him confused.

"What do you mean? Is something wrong?" Alice questioned suddenly concerned.

''If he ever singles you up, if he's ever stupid enough,' Ned told her and Alice felt that flutter in her heart. ''I'm going be the first one calling you baby."


''If he ain't holding you tight, if he ain't treating you right-' Ned went on

"Ned-" Alice said breathlessly as his hand came to her cheek and she lost all words

''I'm going be the first one calling him crazy.'' Ned told her and she felt his breath on hers. ''because Alice, it's just a matter of time until you find that the right guy's staring you back into your eyes, right now.' Ned told her and she couldn't breathe. He tilted his head kissing her cheek. "No rush, but if he ever singles you up, if you ever want more than him... know I want you."

Alice stared at the spot where Ned stood for what seemed like an eternity until sandor came up behind her and she damn near jumped out of her skin.

"What was that about?" Sandor questioned and Alice kept her hand on her heart.

"What? Nothing. What did you see? What did you hear?" Alice asked nervously.

"Nothing." Sandor told her calmly. "You want me to walk you back?"

"I'm fine." Alice said still not moving.

"I'm headed that way." Sandor told her "the little shit just went to bed. I'm done for the night." Sandor offered her his arm and she took it. He was quiet for a short stretch until they got outside then a smug smirk crossed his face. "You and Stark-' Alice poked at his ribs.

"He is my friend and my sisters husband and-'

'I didn't say anything." Sandor reminded her.

"it was the way you said it." Alice countered and sandor chuckled as she grabbed his arm.

"Aw kitten, don't you worry. I wont say nothing."

"Nothing, nothing happened there is nothing to say." Alice countered.

"Whatever you say kitten." Sandor agreed and Alice stopped in front of the brothel.


'I believe you." Sandor told her but he leaned down his lips brushing against her ear. "But I think you wanted something to happen." He whispered pulling the door open. "Go on, be a good girl and fuck your husband." Sandor mused.

"Goodnight sandor." Alice murmured as she headed inside. There was an echo of hello Lady Alice as she passed. "Give Clegane a drink, on me." Alice told Arthur.

"Right away," Arthur agreed and Sandor smirked as she glanced back at him.

"Goodnight Alice." Sandor called and Alice twisted her lips nervously as she headed up the stairs.

Sandor was wrong. Alice didn't want anything to happen.

Sandor was right. Fuck it all Sandor was right. Alice did want Ned to kiss her. But she didn't know why. She loved Petyr. She loved him so much, he was her husband and her best friend but there was something about Ned stark...

Wonderland // Ned Stark // Petyr Baelish (1)Where stories live. Discover now