"Don't cry, Izzy. You're making me feel utterly helpless... I don't know what to do to make it right, but it's gonna be okay, I promise."

"I love you," I sniffed, "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be, baby." he murmured sweetly, "And not as much as I love you, the both of you."

I revelled in the attention he was giving me, his arms, hands and voice soothing me as he calmed me down.

"Are you really sure you want to head out today?" Harry asked gently, "I mean, you could stay here and I'll cook, if you like? I can get a movie in, there's loaaaads of snacks downstairs that you can set your heart on devouring and we can build a fort, right here with our sheets..." He added, his voice straining with urgency as he pleaded with me gently.

I knew what he was doing, but I still felt the guilt ride into me because I promised we would go over Liam and Phoebe's today to see Callum.

Harry had an unnatural ability of knowing when I wasn't feeling well or that I wasn't 'right', and this was absolutely no exception.

"Sounds good, but..."

"Sounds good, but what, sunflower?" He asked, "Don't you want too? You need to take care of yourself too, Iz."

I sighed, "I do, and I know, but I promised Phoebs that we would see her today, and Callum."

"Is that really a wise thing to do?" he asked gently, "You haven't even told her your pregnant yet, but the second she'll lay eyes on you she will know what's going on. You're in no fit state to leave the house, no offence."

"I need to see Callum, Harry." I argued, "And neither you or these crazy, stupid hormones are going to stop me."

"You don't need to do anything, Izzy." he corrected me, "And I'm sorry, babe, but I have as much say in this as you do."


Harry inhaled, before exhaling just as heavily.

"I really don't think you should go over there. Not today, anyway."

Once again, the tears started to roll down my face.

"And what do you propose I say to her, Harry? How do I get out of seeing my own nephew?" I cried, the feel of my eyebrows furrowing as I sulked in response.

"I'll tell her that you're ill. You've suddenly come down with something, safe and easy enough. Callum's just come out of the NICU, so she won't risk it." Harry gently responded, "And please stop sulking."

"She won't believe you." I muttered defensively; "And I'm not sulking!"

"I don't care if she believes me or not Izzy, it's what I'm going to tell her and it's what I'm doing for you, because you and this one right here, are my priority. Nothing else." he replied, "Do I make myself clear?"

I smiled, biting my lip while my hand clutched at his face, my thumb stroking his cheek softly.

"Mr Bossy..."

"In all seriousness, I don't like seeing you like this Izzy. I get why you're like this, of course I do, and if the only thing I can do is put my foot down and properly take care of you, and stop you from doing something silly, then damn it Izzy, I will."

I smiled at him, feeling my heart literally burst with love and admiration for him.

"You know..." I whispered, "You're really hot when you're angry, daddy."

Harry mumbled something incoherent, but it still made me smile against his lips as I kissed him.

"You don't get it, do you?" he mumbled against me.

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