ʚїɞ │Bad Idea Fifty-Two

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I let out a defeated sigh and start to feel myself become calm.

She whispers, "What happened?"

And I place my hands on the sink, looking down at her hands that are touching my stomach.

God, she truly is the only person who can calm me down.

"He was talking shit and said some things that pissed me off."

"What did he say?"

I pause for a moment wondering if I should tell her.

It was about her, she deserves to know. I won't lie to her.

"You. He was talking about getting with you." I mumble and Malia sucks in a breath behind me. Then she turns me around and grabs my face, rubbing her thumbs on my cheeks.

"Just because some dumb guy who only knows me from the basketball gossip that goes around schools says something stupid, it doesn't mean you should get yourself kicked out of the game." Malia grins at me and I sigh, "I know but I won't anyone talk about you the way he did." She smiles and places a light kiss on my lips and says, "Thank you. But next time how about we just ignore it and remember that I am yours? No one will ever take me away from you."

I nodded my head rapidly before kissing her lips fully. She stands on her toes and molds her body into mine as my arms wrap themselves around her.

When we slowly pull away from each other, I groan at the thought that I was selfish to get myself kicked out of the game. The team needs me more than ever and I selfishly made a decision.

"The team..." I trail off and Malia shakes her head, "Josie texted saying Mark and Elias caught them up. We're in the lead now. Don't worry."

I don't say anything, just nod my head and rub my nose against hers.

"All right, let's get you cleaned up." Malia goes to get some paper towels and I watch her every move.

She is all mine.

Needless to say, Morhills won the game and we're going to the championships

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Needless to say, Morhills won the game and we're going to the championships. Everyone is out celebrating while Malia and I decided to stay home and watch a movie.

I felt like this was something only the team should be celebrating, not me. I almost fucked up everything for them.

My coach did call me and said that I need to apologize to the team. I will also not be in the first fifteen minutes of the game for the championships.

No Rules In Bad Ideas | Book One | ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat