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When Alejandro and Duncan's classmates arrived in class the next day, they could feel the obvious tension in the air. They were left to wonder what was wrong, that was until they noticed Alejandro wasn't in his usual seat next to Duncan. In fact, they wouldn't even look at each other.

Class started, and they were instructed to pair up. But instead of walking over to Duncan, Alejandro made his way to Heather's desk at the back of the class.

"Hola Heather," he said, leaning on her desk. "Hey Al..." she replied hesitantly. "What's up with you and Duncan?"

"Nothing of importance," Alejandro replied. "Now, shall we get to work on this assignment?"

Across the room, Duncan was begging Courtney to be his partner.

"Pleeeeeease? I need to make Al jealous- I mean I need a partner! Pretty please?" Courtney rolled her eyes. "FINE!" she yelled, "Just stop making that annoying ass face, ok?" Duncan smiled.

"Duncan?" Courtney said quietly, after they had finished the assignment. "Yeah?" he replied, putting his textbook away. "I have a question. If I ask it, will you promise to answer?" Duncan nodded.

Courtney took in a deep breath. "What's up with you and Al?" Duncan went slightly red. "Nothing!" he answered quickly, making Courtney even more suspicious. She rolled her eyes. "If you don't want to tell me, I'll just ask Al." she said, standing up.

Duncan stood up and grabbed her shoulders, trying to get her to stop. Courtney turned around, her face barely an inch away from Duncan's. Without thinking, Duncan moved his hand from her shoulder to the back of her head- and kissed her.

Courtney broke the kiss after a few seconds, and slowly sat back down, her face bright red. Duncan looked behind her to see Alejandro. He had a familiar look on his face, and it was clear, to Duncan at least, what the spaniard was feeling. Jealousy.

Class ended, and Alejandro practically raced out of the room, desperate to get to the dorm. He had plans for the weekend, so as long as he got in and out of their room before Duncan did, he wouldn't have to see him until Monday.

Sadly, he wasn't able to make it there before Duncan.

He stepped through the door and was greeted by his roommate staring at him angrily. Before he could say anything, Duncan began shouting at him.

"Why won't you talk to me?! Whatever I did, I'm sorry, ok?!" Duncan's voice went quiet, the tears in his eyes apparent through the way he talked. "I just wanna talk, Al. Is that ok?" Alejandro nodded and put down his backpack.

They sat on the couch, both of them still silent. "You can go first." Duncan said to him. "Why did you kiss her?" Alejandro asked without hesitation. Duncan shrugged. "I don't know honestly, and I'm sorry for that." Alejandro nodded, pretending to understand both his and Duncan's emotions. What is wrong with me? I'm not jealous, I can't be. I do not have any feelings for him. I DON'T.

"Al?" Duncan's voice brought him back to reality. "Yes?" he asked. "Why wouldn't you talk to me? Did I upset you?" Why this question? Alejandro shook his head. "Things would have been awkward if I said no, and even more awkward if I said yes." Duncan nodded in understanding.

"Are we good now, Al? Can we be friends again?" Duncan hoped he would say yes, even if things would be a bit awkward. "Of course we can, Duncan." Alejandro agreed.

Alejandro's phone rang, and Duncan noticed the familiar ringtone- José. Alejandro scrambled to answer the phone.

"Hola?" There was a pause. "¿Te importa si traigo a un amigo? Duncan, mi compañero de cuarto. Gracias!" Duncan smiled. I love it when Al talks in Spanish. It's super sexy.

"Duncan?" Alejandro said after putting his phone back in his pocket. "Would you like to come to my house for the weekend? José and Carlos said it was ok." Duncan nodded, before giving his roommate a big hug.

"Just try to behave, alright?" Alejandro said in a mockingly stern voice.

Duncan smiled slyly. "I'll try, but I can't make any promises."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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