Chapter 1 : Negotiating with Death on the Line

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They're gaining on you, air running through your lungs, and your heart beating nearly out of your chest. You're trying to push yourself to run faster, out of reach from them, you're ducking through alleyways and behind merchant stalls.

Three large men, dressed head to toe in black armor, faces covered with metal jet-black helmets. The largest has cracks in his helmet like red lightning running through, he's the closest and scariest.

The big one, he must be at least a head taller than you, reaches out his hand and you immediately stop running, straining against his grip you struggle to get free. He's not even touching you but using the force from a distance to restrain you.

Of course, he can use the force, these men must be from the First Order. You've heard enough about the First Order to know how much trouble you're going to be in from running.

The last thing you remember is feeling pain spread throughout your mind. Starting at the base of your skull moving throughout, memories passing by, and then nothing at all.

You wake up shivering, you try to sit up but your restraints won't let you budge.

" I don't imagine you'd be able to get out of those," A deep grave voice says unnerving you. You'd already tried running before and he seems to be willing to track you down from anywhere. Though being kidnapped and restrained in a cold bright room wasn't really ideal either. You just hoped you weren't going to be killed.

You recognize the voice is coming from the cracked helmet man. He continues on,

"I'd like to make a deal with you, I'd advise you to consider it carefully, those that make it in this room rarely make it out alive."

Yeah, as you thought earlier you just didn't have a death wish, although running earlier today sure made it seem like it. You hoped whatever his deal was it wasn't unreasonable or something ridiculous. Ideally, nothing but his offer to set you free would be a bargain you'd accept but you knew that was unlikely. You shuddered at the thoughts of what he might expect or want from you.

"How can I be of assistance?"

"You possess the knowledge to grow Nysillin correct?"

Relieved, you admit you do along with a few other healing herbs as well. You were trained as a healer growing up. Your entire childhood was spent studying how to grow nysillin because of its properties for healing. Overall this knowledge was extensive and very helpful during wars so it makes sense he would be interested in this. Although you thought the First Order had highly trained medics, I'm sure they do but I guess there is always some room for improvement.

"Hm, I'd like for you to use your knowledge to grow nysillin along with other herbs to help assist the medics within the First Order. It would benefit the First Orders health system to learn more about other healing processes. I want to use you to further our knowledge of healing. Do you think you can do that?"

This all seems like a lot of work you think to yourself, and you're unsure of what life will be like within the first order. This entire situation gives you anxiety and you're unsure of how to proceed. Get killed by the scariest man within the First Order or grow herbs for them... But what else will you have to do? What's next... Teaching First Order members how to grow the herbs and harvest the seeds and then you're dead because others know how to grow healing herbs now?

"What else do you expect from me, what will my life be like within the First Order?" You ask as if this is a job interview and not your life on the actual line here, didn't he say most people in this room hardly make it out alive, and here you are trying to make sure you have certain accommodations within the First Order... Maybe you do have a death wish.

The Supreme Leaders Herbalist Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora