Vortex: Hold on, a movie? What's that?

My soil I get he's technically foreign but it's like his original home has literally nothing! How am I going to explain a movie to him!?

Tree: You at least know what television is right?

Vortex: Yeah I have one in my apartment, I watch some shows regularly.

Ok good this'll make my lecture a little easier.

Tree: Well a movie is like a show but as one super long episode with lots of extra effects and... such. There's even a type of building called a theater or cinema where movies are shown on massive screens in dark rooms for a whole crowd to enjoy and that's what these tickets are for, seats in a theater.

Vortex: I see, what movie is showing?

Tree: Many movies in different rooms these tickets in particular are for the premier of Spirit Trackers: Reincarnation, it's about this team of scientists that use advance tech to locate and capture ghostly entities. It has action, comedy and other stuff.

Vortex: Sounds like a lot of fun.

Tree: So you'll see the movie with me?

Vortex: Sure!


Tree: Ok then let's go.

Vortex: Wait are we just going to walk there?

Tree: Well I haven't gotten my license yet so...

Vortex: I could fly us there, just give me the directions.

Tree: And you're sure you can carry me? 

Vortex: I flew Stapy out of that hole didn't I?

He makes a fair point I don't even know why I asked. I go along with his plan, he wraps one arm around my waist and up we go. It was startling at first but it was a rather smooth ride to the theater between giving him the directions I mostly just gazed at the sights below me, I've really never considered the idea of flying feels like but this was quite the experience. We get to the Theater and Vortex lands us down safely, I exchange my 2 tickets and we head inside.


We both paid for our own snacks I didn't too much of anything just a medium popcorn and a drink, Vortex though got the XL popcorn at least the drink is a medium.

Tree: Quite the appetite eh?

Vortex: You have no idea.

At least he's not ashamed even then I wasn't judging him, we find our seats and sit waiting for the movie to start the previews begin, Vortex looks to me confused after witnessing a Yellow Face commercial on 3-D Glasses.

Vortex: This doesn't look like a movie with ghosts or comedy?

Tree: Well no, theaters tend to throw in some commercials and previews of yet to be released movies before the actual film starts, we just have to wait it's also commonly advised not to eat during these. 

The Theater was filled with people some of which were familiar faces in pairs or full groups, Fan and Test Tube even spoke from behind with us quietly as to not disturb anyone around us.

Test Tube: Ooh, you guys here to see the new Spirit Trackers too?

Vortex: Yeah, but uh "new"? Is there more of this?

Fan: Well of course there's more, Spirit Trackers is whole franchise. You got the first Sprit Trackers made somewhere in the 80s, Spirit Trackers II, Spirit Trackers III and then Spirit Trackers: Reincarnation this time with a new line of cast, and from what I heard Loser is included.

Tree: Wait hold on LOSER is in this movie?

Fan: Yup.

Tree: *slight hyperventilation*

Vortex: Well this awkward... this is my first Spirit Trackers film.


Crowd + Test Tube and Tree: SSSSHHHH!!

Fan: *whispering* After this, get copies of the others and catch up, you won't regret it!

~Time skip halfway through the movie, Normal P.O.V:~

The movie has gotten to the intense half with the spirit trackers realizing the arrival of judgement day and how only they can stop it, they make their way up the film equivalent of the Yoyle Needy only to be met with one of the Nightmare serpents which are large winged monsters that resemble cobras with glowing bloodshot eyes and serve as henchmen to the film's villain The Messiah. 

The Nightmare Serpent lunges itself towards the Spirit Trackers in a 1st person perspective freaking out the viewers who bought 3-D glasses including Tree.

Tree: AH-! Huh?

Tree notices an arm gently place itself on Tree's shoulder that arm being Vortex's, he looks back at him.

Vortex: You erm seemed a little tense.. I uh thought you'd like some comfort.

He was about to move his hand away but is stopped by Tree.

Tree: No no, it's fine like this..

They both smile and continue watching the movie together.

~To be Continued~

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