Teasers Interpretation

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Quick Note: Jeph Loeb, a writer for S.H.I.E.L.D., recently released a series of 'cryptic teasers' for the season finale. I will now take those teasers and turn them into fic. Because I can.

This is my first time writing fic that doesn't include Fitzsimmons, so sorry if they're bad.

Also, I apologize for not updating very often. I've been busy with school and such and it's left me a little dry and uninspired. I'll try writing a lot on a road trip I have coming up.


"Bobbi doesn't like needles."

Slowly the ice began to wear off, and Bobbi felt herself coming back into consciousness. It took all of her effort just to open her eyelids, and once she did that, it took another few seconds to jolt her limbs against the bike chains and duct tape restraining her. Oh, yeah. Ward.

Bobbi began absorbing her surroundings next. She was in a dark place, and it smelled vaguely like gas and dust. The floor below her feet was hard concrete. A garage, or a shed maybe? She had caught a glimpse of forest before being put out, but she could be miles away from there now.

"Hello, Barbara," came a smooth, smirking voice from behind her. There was a click, then blindingly white lights blared from above. Bobbi had been incorrect on the location. She was sitting, restrained, in a dank, dreary lab with plain plaster walls and uneven shelves of dusty beakers. Then she spotted the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on the wall to her right. The lab had probably gone unused since the Hydra takeover.

There must be a garage nearby. That would explain the smell and the chain pressing tightly across her ribcage.

"A bike chain, Ward? Classy."

Banter, the first way to buy more time.

Just then, he rounded the chair and leaned close to her, so that she could smell the musk of his cologne. "Like Hunter ever treated you any better," Ward breathed out, fanning Bobbi's neck with warm air.

Bobbi took advantage of the closeness, throwing her head forward with all of the power she possessed and knocking foreheads with Ward. He pulled away with a sharp intake of breath and a scowl before easing into a smirk.

"Look, Kara," he began again, talking over Bobbi this time. "Someone's a bit sensitive about their boyfriend."

"Kara?" Bobbi said, loudly and more frantically. "I meant what I said back at HQ. S.H.I.E.L.D. would love to have you in their ranks. Stop this now, and you'll have a new home. A new family. Someone who won't treat you like a weapon." Ward brought his forearm up to Bobbi's throat in a sudden, disconnected movement, and the pressure silenced her.

She only wished she could see Kara's face now, to get an understanding of her emotions and her pain. Instead she had to watch as Ward's face slowly spread into a malicious grin as his eyes trailed back down to Bobbi.

"Girl talk's over, Barbie," he spit, then removed his arm from her throat. Bobbi was about to retort wittily when a needle was jabbed into the side of her neck. She concealed her yelp of pain and clenched her teeth as she felt a burning liquid enter her blood stream.

"Not exactly a tetanus shot, huh?" Ward asked, quirking his head. Bobbi ground her jaw in response. The fire spread up her neck and scorched her veins along the way.

"Now listen, here," Ward continued, kneeling down so she could see his face. Bobbi tried her hardest to return his killer glare, but the shot was still scraping at her insides. "I just injected your major artery with a specially engineered truth serum."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't have truth serum," Bobbi managed through clenched teeth.

"Oh, no, sweetheart, they don't," Ward replied, and his eyes shown with delight at her pained expression. "But they do have torture serum, and hey! Same difference." Bobbi could no longer stand it, and had to let out a groan.

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