"From the moment we met, you had me hooked. There is quite honestly nothing I would rather do than spend time with you." Karlie whispers, tucking the familiar persistent strands of hair behind her girlfriend's ear.

Taylor loops her arms around her girlfriend's broad shoulders, lightly scratching the back of Karlie's neck; careful not to mess up the hair stylist's work. "I love you." She whispers, getting lost in the model's unwavering gaze.

"I love you too." Karlie returns just as quietly, and as always, the songwriter can see it in her eyes just how true that statement is.

She idly wonders how she could go so long without truly seeing and understanding how much the model loves her when it's so clear from the way Karlie is with her. It's carefully interwoven with her soft spoken words, her tender and loving touches; the way she tries to maintain some form of contact at all times.  The way those green eyes follow her every moment, always scanning, watching, analyzing. But not in a possessive way. It's done out of love and care; making sure no lines are crossed. Making sure she's truly okay even when she tries to brush things off. And then there's the way she often catches her girlfriend simply staring at her; as if she's trying to commit everything she sees to memory.  

It's not an act she puts on or a switch she flips on and off when certain people are around. It's something more than that; something that is just innately Karlie. It's simply who she is.

Or perhaps it's not that she never noticed, but more so that she's always been so wrapped up with her own thoughts constantly waging war and planting doubts in her head. So consumed with worrying she's far too damaged and that she's not enough, and truth be told, she still feels she's not. She still thinks the model deserves better; someone with less baggage and fewer emotional scars. Someone who is as outgoing and friendly as she is. Someone who could feel completely at home in this environment.

But Karlie doesn't seem to care about any of that. She loves her as she is and that is something the songwriter doesn't think she's ever had before. For someone to want to talk to her, want to be around her, or want to spend time with her. Someone who just wants to be there for her and take care of her and not expect anything in return. Someone who just wants to love her as she is; flaws, insecurities, and all.

She can only match the model's smile as she leans in, making it impossible to actually deepen the kiss as they're both grinning far to wide to do anything more. But it's impossible to be upset about it when the expression on Karlie's face is soft and sweet as she pulls back. The way those emerald green eyes are always locked on her; silently scanning every inch to make sure she's actually okay and that no lines have been crossed. 

She swallows thickly, fighting the urge to bury herself back into the comfort of her girlfriend's arms knowing there are several sets of eyes watching them right now. "I really should probably get going." She says quietly; watching the way the model nods her head sadly in acceptance at her words.

"Okay." Karlie murmurs, pulling the songwriter in for a long hug. She drops a kiss to the crown of her head as they separate, though their fingers stay locked together; both of them needing the last bit of contact right now. They both know that something big is about to happen; whether its good or bad is yet to be determined. 

But once they separate; their little bubble will officially burst and that's a lot to take in. The show could go off without a hitch and maybe everything will be great and people will just take pictures and mostly leave them alone and everything will be fine. Or the flipside could happen, where they're throwing themselves into the snake pit; opening themselves up to anything and everything and there's no turning back.

"I'll see you out there." Karlie says softly as she squeezes their hands.

The songwriter nods. "I'll be waiting." She says, matching her girlfriend's nervous smile with a small one of her own. "Have a good show Kar."

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