The king's decision

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It was late in the afternoon when y/n was reading a book at the garden she was amused by the book that she  didn't realise it was time for her meeting with her father the king of red kingdom
she looked at her watch and decided it was time for her to get ready for the meeting since her father said it was important. she stood while closing her book and started walking to the palace .
she was a beautiful 20 y.o. Girl with short black hair and almond shaped violet eyes she was a bit short so she wore heels with her knee length white dress .
Y/n was a bright scientist for her age but her father didn't allow her to work at the kingdom's lab so she is used to doing her researches and studies behind her fathers back .
When she finally reached the palace she was greeted by the guards and accompanied by them to her room , she changed into formal clothes and went to the king's room .
She was nervous about the meeting because of her fear of her father finding out about her researches nevertheless, she was terrified of her father
He was the worst father ever since her mother died when she was 5 years old her father blamed her mother's death on her since she saved her life
He often hits her till she bleeds when he's angry at someone or something and she never tried to defend herself because she knew it was useless .
So here she was standing before her father , he was sitting at his table while a maid was serving tea
" take a seat y/n" he said with a hint of disgust
U did as u were told
" I decided to make an alliance with the germa kingdom " he said u had a bad feeling about this since you know that the germa kingdom was a war kingdom but you were interested in this since it was also a kingdom filled with technology
" i talked to king judge a few days ago and we each had our conditions " he went on
" and what were these conditions father " y/n said with all the courage she had
" the purpose of this alliance is to protect you "
He said without even trying to convince you he meant it ' protect me my ass ' u thought while rolling your eyes internally while drinking your tea
" so in exchange of protecting you king judge wants you to marry one of his sons "
' yeah sure why not marry hi...
"WHAT" u spat ur tea while standing
Your father was annoyed " act properly "
You got your shit together and sat while apologising for the sudden behaviour of yours
" as you know king judge has a daughter and three sons , it's decided that you'll marry his second son vinsmoke niji " your father said bluntly

Meanwhile you we're trying to process what he just said ' that's unfair he can't do that , can he?
This can't get worse '
" we'll leave tomorrow to germa and i want you to act like a goddamn behaved woman " at this point you couldn't even protest ' why so fast damn king '
" yes father " you said hoping that your new husband would be a nice guy and make you forget about your fathers actions .

And oh boy how wrong you were

It was night and you couldn't sleep you were just staring at the ceiling overthinking, you tried to think positive ' maybe the guy is a gentleman and you'll finally be treated as a princess or as a human being at least ' you turned to face the wall ' as I remember he has an older sister i hope we get along I always wanted to have an older sister '
Meanwhile at germa 66
Niji was beyond frustrated and furious after he heard from his father about the marriage
Earlier at dinner ... 
"You can't be serious I don't want to marry a random bitch " niji said while breaking the table
" don't make a scene it's settled besides she's not a random girl she's red kingdom's princess and i heard she's very beautiful " judge tried to convince him
" niji you just broke the table while we were having dinner " reiju said while smiling but she was obviously annoyed
" tough luck bro " yonji said smirking amused by his brothers anger
Ichiji said nothing but he grinned
Which made niji even angrier if that was possible
Niji swore he'd give the girl a hard time as he remembered what happened earlier

Welp guess that's chapter one <3
I'll try and write a chapter every day if it didn't interrupted my studies also I won't write when i have exams 😪

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