"To mine's, obviously. We're not gonna sit out here and freeze. Now let's go." Robin say's, taking me to his place.


"Here." Robin say's, handing me a warm blanket. Thanking him, I get cozy.

Sitting down, Robin begins to play the movie he put on.

I look at the TV, not being able to pay attention fully. Robin had seemed to noticed since he then said

"Spill. I know something's wrong. It's about the missing kids, right? What is it about this situation that's effecting you." Robin say's, looking at me.

Chuckling a little, finding it funny how Robin knew something was wrong, I nod.

"Everything about it, honestly. I just want them to come back. Are you not worried that you'll be taken? What if I'm next? I stopped helping with the case....what if the parents blame me? For not being able to find out who's doing all this?" I rant, starting to panic.

"Jeez, Y/N. Stop it with this, will you?" I look at Robin, taken aback.

"What I mean is, stop thinking that it's your responsibility to find these kids! It's not. And....if we don't ever find them, it will NOT be your fault. Okay?" Robin say's, waiting for me to reply.

"OKAY?" I nod.

"Okay...." I say, fiddling with my fingers.

"I know you're scared. Trust me, I am too. I'm just not showing it. This is a scary time. But, we'll all get through it. It'll pass, I swear." Robin say's, taking a hold of my hand. Surprising me.

"Got it? We'll- including Finney and Gwen, all four of us, we'll get past this." Robin swears, looking at me with a genuine look.

"Got it....thanks...." I say, not being able to come up with words.

"Good. Glad we took care of this. Now, have some popcorn." Chuckling, I grab some popcorn. Throwing the popcorn into my mouth.

'Who needs a therapist when I have my friend Robin, sheesh.' I think to myself.


I was now back at home, sitting on my chair, thinking again.

Both Finney and Gwen were both in their own rooms, doing their own thing.

I then came up with a particular idea.

Immediately, I scoot closer to my desk. Grabbing my sparkly F/C pen and blank piece of paper.

I begin writing. Letting my hand take control. No head, empty. Just me, and my pen.

After writing so much, I lean back in my seat. Sighing in relief, dropping my pen on the floor.

'There. I finished writing. My plan. I call it....'


My plan to try and capture the Grabber.

But, everything I planned, it's very risky. If I were to go through it, I cannot go back.

So, I have to make a decision. Go through with it, or not.




I make my decision.


Folding the piece of paper, I hide it with my other pile of cluttered paper.

'I won't let no one know about my plan. I won't let no one get in my way, ever again.' I think to myself, getting up from my chair.

Hearing a knock at my door, I turn to look with a smile. Finney.

"Hey, I made both you and Gwen something to eat! Wanna come and eat with us?" Finn ask's with an innocent smile.

"Ya, sure! Let's go eat." I say, following Finn out the door.

Glancing at my window, I lightly gasp.

A butterfly! A blue butterfly.

Taking one last glance at the butterfly, I continue following Finn to the kitchen.



Main suspect: The man in the black van.

My plan: Start making a walking routine. Everyday after School, head to the police station. Stay for five minutes, then take the same route back home, every day. No shortcuts.

If being watched, the Grabber will know my walking routine and surely reveal themselves.

NOTE; If this plan works, confront and report to the police station.

*I̷f̷ t̷h̷i̷s̷ p̷l̷a̷n̷ d̷o̷e̷s̷n̷' w̷o̷r̷k̷, 'l̷l̷ h̷a̷v̷e̷ f̷a̷i̷t̷h̷ t̷h̷a̷t̷ t̷h̷e̷ c̷o̷p̷s̷ w̷i̷l̷l̷ f̷i̷n̷d̷ m̷y̷ b̷o̷d̷y̷.*

*If anyone finds this, have hope in me that I will find the Grabber!!! ('')ノᰔ

' l̶̶o̶̶o̶̶s̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶̶ m̶y̶ m̶i̶n̶d̶.

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