𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

Start from the beginning

"Wow, you swore! Never knew you had it―H-Hey! Watch the face!"

Obito laughed as he pointed at her misfortune. He abruptly stopped and flinched when he felt a glare directed at him, remembering that he also made Rin pull him throughout the whole run. His neck craned as his head robotically turned to the brunette's direction, only to be sent flying from the punch. And Rin was glad she learned how to add chakra to her attacks beforehand―

Until she saw the result of where she sent Obito to.

Minato watched with forced amusement while Rin watched in horror as Obito crashed into Kakashi, forcing him forwards.

Forcing Kakashi's lips to Naru's.

Naru stuttered when he finally pulled away from her, and Kakashi took a step back. Wait, now he took millions. Naru traced her lips with her hand, trying to confirm what she had just experienced. As She stared wide eyed Kakashi did the same, staring right back at her.

And Obito just had to open his mouth.

"Look on the bright side, Kakashi had his mask on."

Naru cracked her knuckles with a look of pure, unadulterated hatred and ignored Obito's "C-Calm down, now! S-Stay away!"

The startled birds flew away from Konoha, along with the other birds that had lived nearby the village.


Naru huffed as she walked away from the unconscious boy, and walked straight to Rin. She held her hands firmly, and Rin blinked at the seriousness in Naruto's dazzling blue eyes.

"Rin, that kiss with Kakashi was nothing, you hear me? Don't think for a second that I was trying to abuse your feelings, 'cause it was all unintentional, got it?" Naru tightened her grip, although not so much as to hurt the brunette. Rin blinked several times more when she realized that Naru was trying to reassure her about the incident.

She smiled, "I don't mind at all, Naru." Really, she didn't. And that worried her.

Naru let go in surprise and tilted her head to show her confusion. "W-What? I thought that you…" She trailed off, unable to comprehend what just happened. She was sure Kakashi-sensei told her that Rin had a crush―or more―on him, and seeing how crestfallen she was to hear that Kakashi would have left her made her even more sure about it.

Rin still had her smile, but on the inside she was rolling around, very confused. She had a crush on Kakashi―or so she thought―but felt nothing except for the guilt when she saw him kiss Naru by her actions. Nothing. She didn't get it at all.

Minato frowned, concerned for Rin. He noticed that she didn't have a hint of a lie when she said it didn't bother her, and how even she was surprised herself. Which was odd. He then remembered what had just happened and glared at Kakashi, who was still frozen. Who would have thought that the "calm and collected" Yellow Flash was the "Overprotective dad" type?

Kakashi didn't know what to make of this. He had just lip-locked with his future student, and he only knew her for two weeks. To make it worse, he liked it. Oh dear lord, was he going to be the same perverted man his future self was? Was he going to shamelessly read the Icha Icha series in public? His head started spinning and was it just him, or did he feel some major killing intent? He twitched, knowing the only person who could emit such hatred for him that moment could only be either two blondes, but the younger one was too busy apologizing to Rin. That meant…

"M-Minato-sensei!" He yelped, seeing the man attempt at glaring a hole through his head. "What happened just now was completely unintentional! Obito was the one who shoved me into her! That kis―" Minato's glare intensified, so Kakashi changed his choice of words. "―that form of contact was not on purpose!" He backed away slowly as his sensei had steam forming out of his ears.

♥︎|𝕹𝖆𝖗𝖚𝖙𝖔 𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖈𝖐 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖉𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖌?|♥︎Where stories live. Discover now